The Selling of Souls in the U S Senate-Blanche Lincoln, Mary Landrieu, Jo Lieberman, Ben Nelson etc.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 10:57AM
City On A Hill in Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, Christmas eve, Gomorrah, Jo Lieberman, Mary Landrieu, health care reform, sodom

Isn't it ironic that on the eve of the celebration of the Savior's birth--is a pivotal event in this nation's history. Freedom maybe lost and the price maybe what our Savior came to save--these Senators souls?

The question:

What would it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? This is a question that everyone of those in the Senate should be asking themselves on that fateful moment.

They are doing this not just on any day but on the day that God sent the world a choice as Truth became Man--the Son of God in the flesh. How awesome is that. It is also an opportunity for us who are called by his name to ask God for supernatural intervention and grace. For too long many in the body of Christ has been apathetic about their role in government.  The story of Houston, Texas electing a gay mayor with 83,000 votes out of 2.2 million (only 16% voted) is a sad witness by the Christian churches in that glimmering town.  They have followed the path of Sodom and Gomorrah and for some reason do not think they will be punished--I wish they were right--because I fear the punishment may be for all of America.

I hope the pastors who have been quiet about the need for us to vote for godly leaders will wake up and start giving the full counsel of God instead of just the politically correct version--after all our souls belong to Christ and all must answer.  Even the most powerful in the land will have to account and their vote on Christmas 'Eve may mean a lot for the fate of this nation to continue shining like a city on a hill.

Let us as we pray this Christmas eve pray also for the holy spirit to lead these senators to make the right vote.  It is only fitting and right and may God hear our plea.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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