Congressional Budget Office Analysis--this will cost the poor to lose jobs
Friday, July 24, 2009 at 01:15AM
City On A Hill

The cost to the health care reform is a trillion dollars plus in 10 years with higher costs beyond and another cost isfor the poor. Supposedly millionaire's will pay more taxes but according to the Congressional Budget Office low income people will also have less jobs available for them. Obama hopes to help the poor that are going bankrupt due to medical bills but this plan will hurt the rich and the poor and unfortunately may also bankrupt the nation. All the rush when everyone knows we can not afford it at today's economy. This should be debated in full and not rushed into like the stimulus bill--because in the long run a band-aid will not fix a heart condition. Read the CBO analysis and be an overlooked item--poor people needs to know they will not be exempt in the pain thrust by this administration's plan to overlook truths in the cost of health care reform.

"Requiring employers to offer health insurance—or pay a fee if they do not—is likely to reduce employment, although the effect would probably be small. Those who would most likely be affected are currently paid close to or at the minimum wage. They would be more vulnerable to job loss..

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