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Title: Faith To Move Mountains 12/15/10
Is there not a cause? Hear about Valley Forge and the sacrifices paid so that we can have our way of life. The men and women who fought for this nation then saw that indeed there was a cause worth giving their all. It's time the rest of us today understood that.
Hear what seeds great men of faith have planted and are seeing a crop to bless all of us. Hear the hard steps taken by Judge Roy Moore, Pastors Garrett Lear, Tom Anderson and Cary Gordon in Iowa, that have converged on Nov 2nd and awakened a nation to the fact that all things are possible with God. What they did needs to be done across this land and we will see a reborn America --to give our children and grandchildren a better future. Hear their moving and hope-filled conversation and steps they took. A must hear for all Americans who want to help make this nation shine bright like a "city on a hill". Share it and most certainly with pastors with prayers.