Mosab Hassan Yousef--Son of Hamas Gives Answer For The World
Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 10:57PM
City On A Hill in Israel, Jesus Christ, Soldiers, east jerusalem, hamas, mosab hassan yousef, palestine, peace, son of hamas, terrorism, terrorism, west jerusalem

In an interview with Pat Robertson aired on Thurs, March 11, 2010 Mosab Hassan Yousef was asked

What will bring peace?  His answer was I believe a breath of fresh air.

"Of course, the world doesn't want to hear this -we tell them Jesus Christ will bring peace.  So everybody is telling me --do you want to convert everybody to christianity in order to bring peace?  We tell them this is not our goal ...we don't push Jesus Christ to anybody.  We give them a gift.  We tell them here is the gift--of unconditional love, the gift of forgiveness and this is how you will be able to move on.  We.. accept this gift from us--you don't have to come to church and worship with Jesus Christ with us but those are  principles that Christ brought to us. 

Would you adopt those principles in your lives.  If they agree humbly to adopt those pinciples, I guarantee you that there would be peace in the middle east, it's not a matter of Palestinian State or East or West Jerusalem, first people need to have peace inside  to be able to  have peace  outside."

He is so right, peace begins in the heart of man.  Jesus Christ who lives within our heart brings that peace.  You can see it in his eyes, in his voice.  True compassion not just for his own countryman but others because he sees things a lot clearer through God's eyes and in God's eyes--we are all his children--a part of the family of God.

In Zechariah 1:2-4 God's Word says:

"The LORD hath been sore displeased with your fathers.  Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.

Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye now from your evil ways, and from your evil doings: but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me, saith the LORD."

God is saying that again today, and he is using Mosab Hassan Yousef to warn--we don't have to follow our forefathers who disobeyed God and bore the consequences.  We can be different, and there is nothing greater than (like this former son of Hamas) having our name written in heaven and like Jesus be a part of the family of Almighty God.

My prayer is that many more like him realize the truth that the God of the Bible so loved us that He gaves his one and only Son so that we can have life abundant, the peace that no man can take away, and a relationship with the One and only who is able to redeem us from the pit of destruction... if we would just put our faith and trust in Him. 

Indeed it is a free gift and just a prayer away.  And how do we know the God of the Bible is real? 

Besides the facts that keeps coming up in the various fields of archaeology (how we depend on the Bible for historical accounts), astronomy (amazing at the number of astronomers that are Christians), biology etc.-- is the simple irrefutable changed life when a man meets his Savior.  The Savior that Mosab Hassan Yousef has met--made all the difference in what seemingly before was a dark and hopeless world.  The Son shone through.  He is our light in the dark!

Truth that must be shared as it can change the world!

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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