Climate Change and USGS Report on Oil In USA--Energy Costs Rise For A Man-made Hoax
Monday, March 15, 2010 at 10:52PM
City On A Hill in EPA, Global Warming, bakkan formation, climate gate, climate change, depression, energy costs, global-warming, hal lindsey, health care reform, iran, iraq, obama, oil shale, piceance basin, us geological survey

According to our own US Geological Survey Reports--there is plenty of oil inside the good 'ole USA (see links at the bottom.) 



In one of the USGS reports



"For the first time in 20 years, we have an updated assessment of in-place oil shale in the Piceance Basin of Colorado," said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. "The USGS scientific report shows significant quantities of oil locked up in the shale rocks of the Piceance Basin. I believe it demonstrates the need for our continued research and development efforts."  It has about 1.525 trillion barrels of in-place oil shale resources.

In another USGS report:



"It is clear that the Bakken formation contains a significant amount of oil - the question is how much of that oil is recoverable using today's technology?" said Senator Byron Dorgan, of North Dakota. "To get an answer to this important question, I requested that the U.S. Geological Survey complete this study, which will provide an up-to-date estimate on the amount of technically recoverable oil resources in the Bakken Shale formation."  They estimate 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil.


According to a 2-26-10 report by Hal Lindsey and which you can research yourself with reports from our own government (USGS) he states:


We have 8 times more than all the oil in Saudi Arabia



 We have 18 times more than Iraq


 We have 22 times more than Iran reserves


 We have 500 times more oil than Yemen


He states there is enough oil for american energy independence to be assured for 200 years or more.  That certainly can be enough time for us to find alternative sources of energy without bankrupting the country.  The reports from our own USGS are astounding to say the least.


In the Piceanse Basin of Colorado-nahcolite is embedded with oil shale in many places.  They are afraid it will produce great amounts of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide when heated in oil shale processing (oil shale rock must be heated to great temperatures, 530 to 930 degrees Fahrenheit as oil shale does not contain crude oil but contains kerogen, which is an organic precursor to oil and must be heated for oil production.)  There lies the global warming scare that puts a damper on trying to obtain or make available this resource.



In our interviews with Dr. Edward Boudreux-- who received PhD from Tulane University in 1962,  MS from Tulane University in 1958 and BS from Loyola University in 1956-- Dr. Boudreaux was a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Physics for 29 years at the University of New Orleans and retired Prof. Emeritus in 1991 it is very clear that there is an agenda promoting this climate-change or global warming scenario.  The greenhouse effect we have heard of that is happening is according to true scientists--a lie.


The promotion of it by Obama and  his administration (now the EPA)  has been at an all-time fever pitch and had it  not been for the exposure by climate-gate, the whole world would still be enslaved by these global warming promoters.  But the truth is coming out and interviews with great scientists such as Dr. Edward Boudreaux must be heard by all.  It is incredible the audacity of these liars and of course they do it out of greed and also make themselves as the saviors of the world.  But the climate-gate e-mails has opened the door so wide and they can no longer shut out the truth.  But try and try they will for the money they have invested is so great.

One of the things they can not discount, among many, is the fact about the warm weather during the medieval times when there were no automobiles or other equipment in place (that supposedly cause global warming).  But thank God the American people and others like the Australians are now questiong climate change and global warming.  Hopefully more and more will know for themselves that come election the global mindset for greening the earth at the cost of enslaving the masses for a lie will be stopped.  This is still the land of the free, they forget tyranny was kicked out of this country a long time ago.  Hard-working men and women and those who have worked hard and now lives on set income have something in common--that little bill that comes every month affects us all-black, white, red, yellow and whoever increases it for a lie will face our wrath.








Link to USGS Reports: 1     2


Audio Link to interview with Dr. Boudreaux

Interesting Video--even a child could understand

 Very thoughtful assessments on climate-gate


















Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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