Common Core Standards--Could It Awake The Bible Belt Of America?
Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 11:08PM
City On A Hill in Constitution, Eagle Forum, Education, defund common core and race to the top, donna garner, great awakening, national standards, nationalization of education, rescind common core standards

Today was a sad day for Alabama as the rights of parents over their child's education was seen as unimportant in the scheme of the more important thing--accepting national standards to make education for our kids better.  That is a failure at the get go as they discount the most important help to the child--his parents.  It is again the perfect pattern we see of promoting something evil as good and vice versa.  If one doesn't have his bearings right--it is so easy to be misled and turned upside down. 

The godly foundation of this nation is being undermined daily and God's ways which the Founders followed in that monumental instrument called the Constitution are being diminished in importance.  Result is a nation with people who are making more laws yet are more out of control than ever, a nation with more education bureaucrats yet lower literacy, a nation with a government that says it cares about its citizens yet slowly steals away their rights.  And today in Alabama, they stole one right too many---the right of parents over their children's education.

Many hoped the vote made last November to accept common core standards could be rescinded as more truths have been found (go to  However the majority of Alabama's state school board decided " Washington knows best".  For those that do not believe that, here are some suggestions for action:

  1. Get your pastor to read Letter To Alabama Pastors from one of this nation's best --Pastor Cary     Gordon (he helped oust the three Iowa Supreme Court Justicies last year).
  2. Along with the above letter, give your pastor the list of what pastors and churches can and cannot do (some may be so bold that they don't mind making the right stand and will do so at any cost.) and ask him to allow you to distribute info (such as this article).
  3. Find out as much information on common core standards from
  4. Listen to City On A Hill's interviews (live or at any time on podcast) to gain perspectives from those in the fight and what you can do to help.  We interview everyone we can such as Eagle Forum, Donna Garner of Ed Watch, Al State Board Member Betty Peters, Elois Zeanah of AFRW,Tea Parties, legislators and constitutional lawyers such as with the Foundation For Moral Law.
  5. Make this cause a part of your prayer as it is a fight for your family as we know the power of prayer (George Washington's prayer blessed us all).  Remember God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind!

Get encouraged as there are avenues ahead.  The loss today was really a win because truth shone and now the Bible Belt of America has awakened...tomorrow is really the start of freedom for many-- as "truth sets men free".  Share this and may God bless you for being part of the Awakening!



Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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