When you look at the landscape of where America is today--there is no longer doubt that there has been movement towards making the dream of a communist America a reality. Watch this video and share because ignoring what is before our very eyes is at the very least what they want you to do and at the very most--shows we are like sheep being led to the slaughter and indeed destruction is near.
The 1992 Communist USA meeting spoken of outlined plans and agenda to infiltrate the institutions of America to influence its destruction:
1. Destroy Families: Promote co-habitation instead of marriage
Get children away into government programs early as possible
Encourage feminist movement becaust it will be successful in making
women discontent with marriage and motherhood
2. Discourage Business: Get behind environmental movement
3. Discourage culture and morality
Get Americans to accept homosexuality--it will begin to extiguish moral values and spiritual health.
Get more from this short 6 min video--incredible but true