Rick Santorum and What Really Happened in Iowa The Pundits Are Missing...
Thursday, January 5, 2012 at 12:31AM
City On A Hill in 2012 presidential election, Iowa caucus, PPastor Cary Gordon, Rick Santorum, nick romney, obama, ron paul

It has been a very interesting view to watch unfold what we were told on an interview on Dec 7th would happen in Iowa.  We were told there would be a Rickaboom and that the one that has had to fight for any kind of media coverage--good or bad,would rise to the top.  Indeed the interview with Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa with the Peacemakers Institute went counter to what was predicted in the mainstream media.  But they can't predict God's Providence.  It happened many times at the beginning of this nation in the fight against tyranny and we are under tyranny again.   Who could have predicted that Newt Gingrich would falter just before the Iowa Caucus? And who was hidden in the wings ready to be lifted up--it was the warrior for life--Rick Santorum.

We have watched Rick Santorum in the past fight for those who can not even vote-the unborn-with passion and with truth at his side and he never flinched.  We have watched Rick Santorum stand beside Arlen Specter and shake our head in wonder.  Many have said he is big government as after all he backed the prescription package but most Americans really do not know that rarely does a program save at a rate of 40% and this is one of those that does--finally something done right by big government (because it let choice in the picture).  That is the finding of Grace Marie Turner, Pres of a health care policy think tank--Galen Institute and she knows!

But many Iowans got a chance to talk to the candidates and Santorum did not shy away from them.  He stood above Romney who wants us to forget Obamacare will destroy our economy and has promoted same-sex marriage -a lifestyle that can kill body and soul.  He also stood out above Ron Paul who with all his talk against big-government will be dangerous for the lives of Americans and Israel with his Iran stance.  Many Iowans saw things that mattered to God matters to them.  So without a lot of money but with a lot of hard work they saw integrity and value in Rick Santorum. The mainstream media tore apart Michelle Bachmann in the early lead along with Rick Perry and Herman Cain and last but not least Newt but Santorum was not in their radar to destroy.

Romney with his money and Ron Paul with his machine should have left a Santorum in the dust but one thing they didn't figure was the hand of God--as truly it is a miracle who the mainstream are looking at now. 

Here is that amazing interview with Pastor Cary Gordon who fought with other Pastors and the Body of Christ rose up and said no more to three out of control Iowa Supreme Court Justices and they made a difference for their state.  Get in tune with God like they did and occupy until God comes--God's ways not man's...Shine the light for He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind! 2nd Tim 1:7


Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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