Alabama Nov 6, 2012 Ballot---print also link (from Liberty Council) on backside-right to share information in churches-Amendments 3 and 5 left off (county)
Amendment 1 Vote NO "Let the truth be known, Forever Wild is not financed with tax dollars, however the money used to acquire these lands are in fact OUR dollars from OUR Alabama Trust Fund and should be used for the benefit of our citizens... Hunting is purported to be a major attraction to Forever Wild land, however, most people do not know of Forever Wild and hunting is severely restricted. Mulberry Fork Wildlife Management Area offers a deer hunt only on January 27 and 28" --please read more on website
Amendment 2 Vote NO This gives tax incentives not available to in-state companies --unfair
Amendment 4 Vote Yes Takes out old language (it doesn't add taxes)
Here's opinion of Mrs. B Moore :The Alabama Constitution Article XIV, Section 256, The Legislature shall establish, organize, and maintain a liberal system of public chools throughout the State for the benefit of the children thereof between the ages of seven and twenty-one years. I'm voting yes on the proposed amendment # 4 on the Nov. 6th ballot.
Amendment 6 Vote YES Prevents Alabama from being compelled to be part of Obamacare
OBamacare will mean: $529 billion in cuts to Medicare; 569 billion in higher taxes; swelling of the ranks of Medicaid by 16 million-go to to find out more.
• It creates an unelected, unaccountable board —the Independent Payment Advisory Board — with powers to limit payment and access to health care for seniors and which will become Medicare’s rationing board.
• Doctors are already threatening to drop out of the program in large numbers if the Obamacare payment cuts go into effect!
• Medicare actuaries predict that more than 40% of Medicare providers eventually will either go out of business or stop seeing Medicare patients altogether if the law’s cuts take effect!
Amendment 7 Vote Yes Allows for Secret Ballots In Union Votes!
Amendment 8 Vote Yes Legislators will not give themselves a pay raise during their term
Amendment 9 Vote No No to More Taxes
Amendment 10 Vote NO Deal with authority of state legislature and banking in the state. A major change to Constitution doing away with Alabama's ability to establish a state bank and removes God and Silver standard.
Amendment 11 Vote Yes Prevents Decatur from overpowering Lawrence County