Common Core Flyer With Study Links
Sunday, March 24, 2013 at 08:36PM
City On A Hill in Bill ayers, achieve, common core standards, david coleman. Tim Wilder superintendent, linda darling hammond
Here is a flyer to distribute re: Common Core to churches and friends and family in Alabama. Information is useful for anyone that want to study common core.
Video of Georgia Press Conference as to why they are pulling out. Common Core was not pilot-tested. You can really say Georgia and Kentucky were the places it was pilot tested and it failed their students. They were some of the first states to implement it and the fruits are rather ugly. This is what happens when there is no criteria to the standards as the interview with a city school superintendent in Alabama clearly indicates.
Here are front page links (apples on top):
- Former Tx. State Sup. of Ed. Robert Scott Testimony on video of Common Core not pilot-tested and not yet written yet he was asked to sign on to Common Core Standards.
- Alabama education wasn't working so get Common Core (cost no matter-untested no matter etc)
- Proficiency Exams Result for Georgia
Inside Page--links:
More to study
More contact numbers and emails for legislators
Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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