Culture War--Reason For it
In this great nation--is a clash of titanic proportions. It is a battle between those who see themselves as smart, full of common-sense, for the good of mankind, for the betterment of society, for better families, for helping the poor and because of these commonalities the battle lines are blurred. Externals such as television, movies, news and print medias also affects their opinions and in no uncertain terms can help determine who wins.
But who wins or loses determines the fate of the millions and yes the world we live in.
What is the difference between the warriors? Who do they serve. In this world there is only two masters even though there are numerous religions they can simply be broken into two masters. Most of us already know who they are. Many of us deny this truth to better serve our own wishes our own desires or way of life. But just as sure as the fact that you are born will come the fact that you will die--unless of course the LORD comes and then where will you go? That is really the true reason for the culture war--it is a war for souls. Hope you ask yourself the question what if I am wrong--if you are a follower of Christ--as Einstein has said --you would have lived a good life--otherwise you would have lived the life you choose but in dying where you go will not be of your it worth looking the other way--the enemy would rather you did.