Abortion Yes Or No--Sarah's Choice
When You Are Weak--He is strong
It is really wonderful the variety of talent God has gifted us. A music a movie made for the right purpose gives hope and life. It can get us out of the dark world of depression and despair--like a natural anti-depressant with only good side-effects.
Sarah's choice about whether to choose abortion or not was a deep look into the realities of this very divisive, very heart rending choice. The nurse that spoke to Sarah--likened the frail babe as nothing more than a wart growing inside and asked would you let a wart change your life? What an incredible lie! But to ears that wants to hear such so the conscience would be assured--that may sound like a great explanation. Then the picture at the end of Sarah with a friend who made such a choice--points to the truth--that what was in the womb--was a being formed and known by God even in the womb and meant more than a wart.
Abortion drives home the truth that life isn't fair--when the most innocent of all is mercilessly destroyed because of inconvenience sake or for whatever reason a person can come up with. There is nothing new under the sun. Without Jesus, life would be all darkness and despair--to the point that many finds living not worthwhile at all as problems become unbearable and heartaches too big. Sarah's Choice beatifully showed there is indeed a choice that can take you away from a living hell as many women find out too late.
The right choice, many times is a matter of trusting Jesus--and He is just a prayer away (it's true). And the best thing of all is that you don't have to walk through life's decisions alone. Being dependent on Jesus is not a bad thing. I am proud to say I am weak and am fully dependent on him. I put my faith and trust on him and in that he is able to work all things for good--why do I know that? Because I know He loves me--He died so that I could live and have life abundant. Amos 5:6 says-- "Seek the Lord and live"--I mean to do that as I need him every moment of every day.
If you are one of those trying to make that decision or already have done it--give yourself a chance to watch Sarah's Choice. You will not be disappointed. May God bless you and shine his face upon you.
I hope you'll confess your dependence on Him. As only He is able and He cares for you.
Link to Sarah's Choice
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