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Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in Alabama common core standards (3)


Common Core--A Package Full Of Lies--Here's One State's Example


"For these Superintendent and others who say we've spent so much and we gotta continue--No! If you're feeding poison to your children, you don't want to continue using that poison on supply even if you've invested a lot of money buying it!" Per Professor Sandra Stotsky who was invited to be on the Common Core National Validation Committee.

 Most of us realize children are gifts from God and the responsibility to raise them belong to parents.  Unfortunately Common Core is a families worst nightmare as it takes away PARENTAL AUTHORITY.  
Unfortunately like Obamacare which most Americans have seen as a package of lies and destroys so many-this too is the case with Common Core.  Common Core gives control of educating your children to Arne Duncan of US Dept. of Ed just like your family's healthcare is now under the control of Kathleen Sebelius and Dept. of Health and Human Services.  As many are groaning of the changes in their healthcare coverage so will many families at the changes in educating the childdren.  And you will find same in that Common Core was pushed on states with lies and of course fed $$.

Package of Lies:

Developers LIED!!! 

Testimony from Texas Commissioner of Ed-Robert Scott --HE was urged to adopt CC before they were written.  Final draft came out in June 2010 and yet these standards were already touted as tested, benchmarked and will make our kids college and career ready. (see signature of Alabama signing on in Jan 2010).

The Developers failed to heed the Science-

The Joint Statement of Early Childhood Health and Education--signed by 500 of the most prominent pediatricians, deveopmental psychologists and researchers that warned CC is developmentally inappropriate.

Standards Same For All Common Core States
From ESEA Flexibility Application:  On November 18, 2010, Alabama joined 40 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands in adopting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA). The adoption by the Alabama State Board of Education (SBOE) incorporated selected Alabama standards with those in the Common Core to create a set of internationally benchmarked college-and career-readiness standards that will prepare students for a future in the ever-expanding global environment. These standards are known as the Alabama College-and Career-Ready Standards (CCRS).

   Tommy Bice --Alabama's State Superintendent LIED!!!   These are not Alabama's own standards--they are copyrighted--Alabama can only make a difference on 15% of it which will not be tested.  And his  Resolutionto get out of CC is "a ruse, an attempt to deceive good people and make it appear the board has done something to correct the common core disaster.  In reality, the board is reaffirming its commitment to common core ....", according to a press release submitted by Board Members Stephanie Bell and Betty Peters yesterday.    To support their statement, they reference a February memorandum written by the ASDOE General Counsel who stated that "the 2009 Memorandum of Agreement contains no legal obligations and has been superseded in practice at the state level by the state board of education's adoption of AL College and Career Ready Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts."

The mindset of the developers needs to be questioned. 

When they tout the Bluest Eye which many see as pornographic(I couldn't read it as it dealt with incenst, rape etc).--it is on their Common Core Website as part of a National List--they are so proud ofit they placed it there--you really need to question who are these people and what kind of a moral compass will we have specially when these standards are copyrighted and parents are out of the loop?
Dr. Carla Horowitz of the Yale Child Study Center (one of the above signers of Joint Statement) says The Core standards will cause SUFFERING not learning for many, many, young children!!!!

Conclusion:  The Horror Stories you hear in NY and others states is coming and for some it is already here...New York got into  it earlier but here is NY experience which should move every parent to kick out Common Core!!

    Testimony-From a licensed clinical social worker in New York State and have been providing psychotherapy services since 1995 appeared before their NY Assembly:

 I am a licensed clinical social worker in New York State and have been providing psychotherapy services since 1995. I work with parents, teachers, and students from all socioeconomic backgrounds representing more than 20 different school districts in Suffolk County. Almost half of my caseload consists of teachers.In the summer of 2012, my elementary school teachers began to report increased anxiety over having to learn two entirely new curricula for Math and ELA. I discovered that school districts across the board were completely dismantling the current curricula and replacing them with something more scripted, emphasizing “one size fits all” and taking any imagination and innovation out of the hands of the teachers.In the fall of 2012, I started to receive an inordinate number of student referrals from several different school districts. A large number of honors students—mostly 8th graders—was streaming into my practice.The kids were self-mutilating—cutting themselves with sharp objects and burning themselves with cigarettes. My phone never stopped ringing.What was prompting this increase in self-mutilating behavior? Why now?The answer I received from every single teenager was the same. “I can’t handle the pressure. It’s too much work.”I also started to receive more calls referring elementary school students who were refusing to go to school. They said they felt “stupid” and school was “too hard.” They were throwing tantrums, begging to stay home, and upset even to the point of vomiting.I was also hearing from parents about kids bringing home homework that the parents didn’t understand and they couldn’t help their children to complete. I was alarmed to hear that in some cases there were no textbooks for the parents to peruse and they had no idea what their children were learning.My teachers were reporting a startling level of anxiety and depression. For the first time, I heard the term “Common Core” and I became awakened to a new set of standards that all schools were to adhere to—standards that we now say “set the bar so high, anyone can walk right under them.”Everyone was talking about “The Tests.” As the school year progressed and “The Tests” loomed, my patients began to report increased self-mutilating behaviors, insomnia, panic attacks, loss of appetite, depressed mood, and in one case, suicidal thoughts that resulted in a 2-week hospital stay for an adolescent.I do not know of any formal studies that connect these symptoms directly to the Common Core, but I do not think we need to sacrifice an entire generation of children just so we can find a correlation.The Common Core and high stakes testing create a hostile working environment for teachers, thus becoming a hostile learning environment for students. The level of anxiety I am seeing in teachers can only trickle down to the students. Everyone I see is describing a palpable level of tension in the schools.The Common Core standards do not account for societal problems. When I first learned about APPR and high stakes testing, my first thought was, “Who is going to rate the parents?”I see children and teenagers who are exhausted, running from activity to activity, living on fast food, then texting, using social media, and playing games well into the wee hours of the morning on school nights.We also have children taking cell phones right into the classrooms, “tweeting” and texting each other throughout the day. We have parents—yes PARENTS—who are sending their children text messages during school hours. Let’s add in the bullying and cyberbullying that torments and preoccupies millions of school children even to the point of suicide. Add to that an interminable drug problem.These are only some of the variables affecting student performance that are outside of the teachers’ control. Yet the SED holds them accountable, substituting innovation and individualism with cookie-cutter standards, believing this will fix our schools.We cannot regulate biology. Young children are simply not wired to engage in the type of critical thinking that the Common Core calls for. That would require a fully developed prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that is not fully functional until early adulthood. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for critical thinking, rational decision-making, and abstract thinking—all things the Common Core demands prematurely.We teach children to succeed then give them pre-assessments on material they have never seen and tell them it’s okay to fail. Children are not equipped to resolve the mixed message this presents.Last spring, a 6-year-old who encountered a multiplication sign on the NWEA first grade math exam asked the teacher what it was. The teacher was not allowed to help him and told him to just do his best to answer.From that point on, the student’s test performance went downhill. Not only couldn’t the student shake off the unfamiliar symbol, he also couldn’t believe his teacher wouldn’t help him.Common Core requires children to read informational texts that are owned by a handful of corporations. Lacking any filter to distinguish good information from bad, children will readily absorb whatever text is put in front of them as gospel. So, for example, when we give children a textbook that explains the second amendment in these terms: "The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia," they will look no further for clarification.We are asking children to write critically, using emotionally charged language to “persuade” rather than inform. Lacking a functional prefrontal cortex, a child will tap into their limbic system, a set of primitive brain structures involved in basic human emotions, fear and anger being foremost. So when we are asking young children to use emotionally charged language, we are actually asking them to fuel their persuasiveness with fear and anger. They are not capable of the judgment required to temper this with reason and logic.So we have abandoned innovative teaching and instead “teach to the tests,” the dreaded exams that had students, parents and teachers in a complete anxiety state last spring. These tests do not measure learning—what they really measure is endurance and resilience. Only a child who can sit and focus for 90 minutes can succeed. The child who can bounce back after one grueling day of testing and do it all over again the next day has an even better chance.A recent Cornell University study revealed that students who were overly stressed while preparing for high stakes exams performed worse than students who experienced less stress during the test preparation period. Their prefrontal cortexes—the same parts of the brain that we are prematurely trying to engage in our youngsters—were under-performing.We are dealing with real people’s lives here. Allow me introduce you to some of them:…an entire third grade class that spent the rest of the day sobbing after just one testing session,…a 2nd grader who witnessed this and is now refusing to attend the 3rd grade—this 7-year-old is now being evaluated for psychotropic medication just to go to school,…a 6-year-old who came home crying because in September of the first grade, she did not know what a vertex was,…two 8-year-olds who opted out of the ELA exam and were publicly denied cookies when the teacher gave them to the rest of her third grade class,…the teacher who, under duress, felt compelled to do such a thing,…a sixth grader who once aspired to be a writer but now hates it because they “do it all day long—even in math,”…a mother who has to leave work because her child is hysterical over his math homework and his CPA grandfather doesn’t even understand it,…and countless other children who dread going to school, feel “stupid" and "like failures," and are now completely turned off to education.I will conclude by adding this thought. Our country became a superpower on the backs of men and women who studied in one-room schoolhouses.I do not think it takes a great deal of technology or corporate and government involvement for kids to succeed. We need to rethink the Common Core and the associated high stakes testing and get back to the business of educating our children in a safe, healthy, and productive manner.   - Mary Calamia, LCSW, CASAC--Statement for New York State Assembly Education Forum Bentwood, New York October 10, 2013


Food for thought for those who says Obama admin had nothing to do with Common Core

Obama's plan:  Obama's Sec. of  Ed Arne Duncan's speech at  2009 Governors Education Symposium  June 14, 2009 Cary, North Carolina...He stated the following..."But if all we do is save jobs, we will miss this opportunity – which is why we are also using this recovery money to drive reform"
"There has never been this much money on the table and there may never be again"
"Once new standards are set and adopted you need to create new tests that measure whether students are meeting those standards. Tonight -- I am announcing that the Obama administration will help pay for the costs of developing those tests."*
"Today, perhaps for the first time, we have enough money to really make a difference."


Clarification of What Bice Says are Alabama Standards-Common Core(copyrighted) Plus The Allowed Addition=Alabama Common Core Standards

Tommy Bice who is leading the charge to keep Alabama in Common Core is misrepresenting Alabama Common Core Standards as not the copyrighted Common Core--the application for No Child Left Behind Waiver show the truth.  It is Common Core Standards (copyrighted) plus the portion he is allowed to add. Alabama not allowed to change it but can only add up to 15 %--let's get the truth out!!!


Study the link for yourself--here are excerpts:


This website and all content on this website, including in particular the Common Core State Standards, are the property of NGA Center and CCSSO, and NGA Center and CCSSO retain all right, title, and interest in and to the same.


 The NGA Center for Best Practices
is the only policy research and development firm that directly serves
the nation’s governors by developing innovative solutions to
today’s most pressing public policy challenges.

above link apparently no good anymore--here's another


E S E A F L E X I B I L I T Y–R E Q U E S T F O R W I N D O W 3
U . S . D E P A R T M E N T O F ED U C A T I O N iii
June 7, 2012
The U.S. Department of Education (Department) is offering each State educational agency (SEA) the opportunity to request flexibility on behalf of itself, its local educational agencies (LEAs) , and its schools, in order to better focus on improving student learning and increasing the quality ofinstruction. This voluntary opportunity will provide educators and State and local leaders with flexibility regarding specific requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)in exchange for rigorous and comprehensive State-developed plans designed to improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps, increase equity, and improve the quality of instruction. This flexibility is intended to build on and support the significant State and local reform efforts already underway in critical areas such as transitioning to college-and career-ready standard and assessments; developing systems of differentiated recognition, accountability, and support; and evaluating and supporting teacher and principal effectiveness...
Prior to submitting this request, Alabama teachers, leaders, college and university faculty, and lay citizens reviewed the Alabama standards and the Common Core State Standards and compiled the best of both into the Alabama College-and Career-Ready Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts, reflective of the aspirations Alabamians hold for allpublic schools students to be prepared for college, careers, and the workforce. On November 18, 2010, the Alabama State Board of Education formally adopted these college-and career-ready content standards that meet the definition of ―college-and career-ready standards‖ in the document titled ESEA Flexibility, as Alabama has adopted content standards that are common to a significant number of states
(see Attachment 14, Evidence of Adoption of Standards)as noted in Alabama‘s approved AMO Freeze Request(see Attachment 15 for the letter from Deborah S. Delisle)and in doing so affirms this as a voluntary decision by our Alabama State Board of Education and further affirms Section 9527 (a) of ESEA
--on page 22

On November 18, 2010, Alabama joined 40 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands in adopting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA). The adoption by the Alabama State Board of Education (SBOE) incorporated selected Alabama standards with those in the Common Core to create a set of internationally benchmarked college-and career-readiness standards that will prepare students for a future in the ever-expanding global environment. These standards are known as the Alabama College-and Career-Ready Standards (CCRS).


Alabamians Can Only Get Out of Common Core Through HB254 and SB190--Don't Get It Confused With Flexibility Act as HB84 Can Not Undo Common Core--Use This Email List Before Too Late

List of Alabama Legislators with E-mails and Phone Numbers are below --please tell them to say NO To Common Core Standards.  Representatives must support House Bill--HB254.  Senators must support Senate Bill--SB190 to get us out of Common Core Standards!  Print and Share with friends, family, churches etc. Act now as 2014 too late! 
(click on this link with your zip code and find your legislators)

  • Tips on contacting House.  They are in their districts on Mon and Fridays and in Montgomery Tues-Thurs.  You can call and leave a message at (334) 242-7600 and tell who answers you would like to give a message to the committee member--this is a great way as they will get that message to the member if you are calling them on Tues or Thurs.  If you call Wednesday--they are in committee meetings so call the committee clerk and give her a message. 
    Committee Clerk: Karen Reeves
    (334) 242-7251

House Education Policy Committee:  Chair; Mary Sue McClurkin, Vice Chair; Phil Williams, Ranking Minority Member; Marcel Black

Elaine Beech, Mac Buttram, Ed Henry, Thomas Jackson, Joseph Mitchell, Kerry Rich, David Sessions, Lesley Vance



Higher Education

Phil Williams, Chair; Marcel Black, Ed Henry, Joseph Mitchell, Allen Treadaway, Lesley Vance, David Sessions.

K - 12

Lesley Vance, Chair; Elaine Beech, Mac Buttram, Ed Henry, Thomas Jackson, David Sessions, Phil Williams.



  • Tips on contacting Senate.  They are in their districts on Mon and Fridays but in Montgomery Tues-Thurs.  You can call (334) 242-7800 to be transferred or call their individual numbers listed below as each Senator has a secretary that can take a message to the committee member--Tues or Thurs.  If you call Wednesday--they are in committee meetings you may also call the committee clerk and give her a message.  Clerk--Micheele O'Connor (334) 242-7896.

Senate Education Policy Committee:

Brewbaker, Chairperson--334-242-7895;Ross, Vice Chairperson 334-242-7880 ;

Allen--334-242-7889, Blackwell-- 334-242-7851, Figures--334-242-7871,Holtzclaw--334-242-7854  , McGill--334-242-7858
, Pittman--334-242-7897, Sanders--334-242-7860


  • Please send emails
  • Please pass on information as we don't have much time.

So please help it is not hard and parents and teachers need to fight this to have input over education standards vs being under Washington control  Here is a list of resources the enemy do not want you to know and the majority of the mainstream media has kept hidden!! 

Remember Obama is interest in passing the allah is god curriculum that was just found out in Texas.  The plans of this administration was already voiced by Kevin Jenning --(more in this link).

"Right now, they're really focused on the academic standards. This one is much newer. We have to build understanding of the concept first." He went on: "We're not first up to bat, and I'm not troubled by that. The Common Core movement is right to start on the things where there's already widespread agreement. We're way down the road."

Seriously? A high-ranking administration official is telling us that the common standards being financed by $350 million in Race to the Top funds "start" with academics but will eventually encompass "school climate" standards too? Jennings raises further red flags when he concedes that we have not determined "the definition of school climate," though he says it "does not include air conditioning" but does include kids feeling "emotionally safe." Maybe it's my cynical streak, but that sounds like a summons to social agendas, culture clashes, and political fisticuffs. In other words, the stuff that sinks standards.

Mr. Jennings' remarks raise concerns about the old bait-and-switch. If he is speaking for Secretary Duncan and the President, they seem to have been less than truthful so far when discussing their vision for common standards. If not, a President seeking bipartisan comity might want to encourage Mr. Jennings not to suggest that the Department is covertly planning to drive a massive 48-state effort into a familiar ditch...or to turn it into a Trojan Horse."---

and with Arne Duncan as head of Education who pushed for Chicago to have their first gay high school---how can parents in Alabama afford to be ignorant..

If you don't know who your representative is use this link:

No other bill can give local control but HB254 and SB190 as anything else including HB84 called the Flexibility Act should not be confused to give parents local control and must be passed in this session as 2014 is too late. Read the bills for yourself.  Here is link to removing Common Core Bills (HB254 and SB190 and HB84-Flex Act on very end of article). Of outmost priority is to get HB254 to get out of Education Commmittee to be allowed to be voted on.  Please call and or email your below legislators and you must contact each Education Comittee members so the bill does not die.   Bills to supposedly give local control have been misused see this link so we need to compare first.  But  First things first--get out of Common Core and then we can work to make other bills to make it better but please put passing HB254 and SB190 a priority today as otherwise parents will no longer have control of their children's education in 2014.  Remember legislature ends in May so make this pass now by making your voice heard.  Please share.

 To see phone numbers better please click on share  or printer friendly links below--as it will make all of the numbers show up better.


Phone Numbers and Emails of Legislators:



Phone Numbers for Alabama Senate

KAY IVEY     Lieutenant Governor
DEL MARSH     President Pro Tempore
D. PATRICK HARRIS     Secretary

Senator     Party     District     Room #     Office Phone
ALLEN, Gerald     (R)     21     729     334-242-7889
BEASLEY, Billy     (D)     28     737     334-242-7868
BEASON, Scott     (R)     17     726     334-242-7794
BEDFORD, Roger     (D)     6     738     334-242-7862
BLACKWELL, Slade     (R)     15     733     334-242-7851
BREWBAKER, Dick     (R)     25     734     334-242-7895
BUSSMAN, Paul     (R)     4     729     334-242-7855
COLEMAN, Linda     (D)     20     735     334-242-7864
DIAL, Gerald     (R)     13     732     334-242-7874
DUNN, Priscilla     (D)     19     737     334-242-7793
FIELDING, Jerry     (R)     11     735     334-242-7898
FIGURES, Vivian Davis     (D)     33     736     334-242-7871
GLOVER, Rusty     (R)     34     721     334-242-7886
HOLLEY, Jimmy     (R)     31     732     334-242-7845
HOLTZCLAW, Bill     (R)     2     731     334-242-7854
IRONS, Tammy     (D)     1     737     334-242-7888
KEAHEY, Marc     (D)     22     738     334-242-7843
MARSH, Del     (R)     12     722      334-242-7877
McGILL, Shadrack     (R)     8     731     334-242-7858
ORR, Arthur     (R)     3     730     334-242-7891
PITTMAN, Trip     (R)     32     730     334-242-7897
REED, Greg     (R)     5     734     334-242-7894
ROSS, Quinton T., Jr.     (D)     26     735     334-242-7880
SANDERS, Hank     (D)     23     736     334-242-7860
SANFORD, Paul     (R)     7     731     334-242-7867
SCOFIELD, Clay     (R)     9     731     334-242-7876
SINGLETON, Bobby     (D)     24     735     334-242-7935
SMITH, Harri Anne     (I)     29     740     334-242-7879
SMITHERMAN, Rodger     (D)     18     737     334-242-7870
TAYLOR, Bryan     (R)     30     733     334-242-7883
WAGGONER, J. T. "Jabo"     (R)     16     726     334-242-7892
WARD, Cam     (R)     14     719     334-242-7873
WHATLEY, Tom     (R)     27     733     334-242-7865
WILLIAMS, Phil     (R)     10     733     334-242-7857



Phone Numbers for Alabama House of Representatives

Please note prefix for all their phone numbers is area code 334



Alan Baker Baldwin & Escambia 242-7720
Mike Ball Madison 242-7683
Jim Barton Mobile 242-7662
Richard Baughn Tuscaloosa, Walker, & Winston 242-7593
Paul Beckman Autauga & Elmore 242-7662
Alan Boothe Dale & Pike 242-7710
DuWayne Bridges Chambers & Lee 242-7708
K.L. Brown Calhoun 242-1778
Mack Butler Etowah & St. Clair 242-7446
Mac Buttram Cullman 242-7775
Jim Carns Jefferson & Shelby 242-7600
Donnie Chesteen Geneva & Houston 242-7742
Steve Clouse Dale & Houston 242-7717
Terri Collins Morgan 242-7693
Randy Davis Baldwin & Mobile 242-7724
Paul DeMarco Jefferson 242-7667
Dickie Drake St. Clair & Jefferson 242-7727
Allen Farley Jefferson 242-7767
Joe Faust Baldwin 242-7699
Chad Fincher Mobile 242-7778
Victor Gaston Mobile 242-7664
Lynn Greer Lauderdale 242-7576
Micky Hammon Limestone & Morgan 242-7709
Alan Harper Pickens & Tuscaloosa 242-7732
Ed Henry Cullman & Morgan 242-7736
Mike Hill Shelby 242-7715
Mike Hubbard Lee 242-7668
Jamie Ison Mobile 242-7711
Ken Johnson Lawrence & Winston 242-7754
Ron Johnson Coosa & Talladega 242-7777
Wayne Johnson Jackson & Madison 242-7492
Mike Jones, Jr. Covington & Escambia 242-7739
Paul Lee Houston 242-7675
Wes Long Marshall 242-7511
Jay Love Montgomery 242-7716
Barry Mask Coosa & Elmore 242-7782
Jim McClendon St. Clair & Shelby 242-7768
Mary Sue McClurkin Jefferson & Shelby 242-7682
Mac McCutcheon Limsetone & Madison 242-7705
Steve McMillan Baldwin 242-7723
John Merrill Tuscaloosa 242-7554
Barry Moore Coffe 242-7773
Becky Nordgren Dekalb & Etowah 353-9032
Jim Patterson Madison 242-7531
Bill Poole Tuscaloosa 242-7691
Kerry Rich  DeKalb & Marshall 242-7538
Bill Roberts Walker 242-7694
Howard Sanderford Madison 242-4368
David Sessions Mobile 242-0947
Harry Shiver Baldwin, Conecuh, Escambia, & Monroe 242-7745
David Standridge Blount & Jefferson 242-7475
Allen Treadaway Jefferson 242-7685
Mark Tuggle Lee & Tallapoosa 242-7219
Lesley Vance Lee & Russell 242-7687
Kurt Wallace Chilton & Shelby 242-7772
April Weaver Bibb & Shleby 242-7731
Dan Williams Limestone 242-7741
Jack Williams Jefferson 242-7779
Phil Williams Madison 242-7704
Randy Wood Calhoun & St. Clair 242-7700
Greg Wren Montgomery & Elmore
