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Why is America At War

Cross in the ashes of the WTC

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The Powerful Story on the Twins
Lifting Each Other in Prayer with Ms. Margaret
Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

See Prayer List



Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

Truths To Share As Freedom Isn't Free

Click on pic to see samples of what's on site

Join with us in prayer (National Prayer List)


Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in Opt Out form on common core (3)


Opting Out of Common Core Testing

Study about the fine print in their document showing there is a Requirement for you to be notified of your Right to Consent.  Find out the details they don't want you to learn because it is powerful.  Let's use it in huge numbers--OPT OUT!

The PPRA aka Hatch Amendment is a powerful tool but only if you know you have it!

Here is an Opt-Out Form 2014-2015 school year. 

Also here is Original Opt-Out Form

Please be sure to ask school for a copy after asking school clerk to initial or sign that they have received it.  Be sure to look at your State Department of Ed's Schedules of Tests--here's an example of a link for Alabama.

To help parents understand and realize that YES, students in schools are purposefully being manipulated and poked to get data, MUST READ this article--Data Mining Students Through Common Core.

 Know these facts:

  • Common Core States obligated to implement a State Longitudinal Database System (SLDS) to track students by obtaining personally identifiable information:. “Personally Identifiable Information” include the following data: parents’ names, address, Social Security Number, date of birth, place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc.
  • Be sure to read about the PPRA aka Hatch Amendment which is a requirement for consent --click on words technical brief to download document and look on top left of it's page 2 where it mentions PPRA  under its code numbers (20 USC  1232):  In 2010, the National Center for Education Statistics released a SLDS technical brief about “Guidance for Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS),” which formulated a detailed plan for “data stewardship” in education.
  • Be sure to look over forms you are signing and if you really want to fight the data mining then do not sign permission slip allowing child to have internet access.  Not all schools are on internet so yes there are provisions.  Check out what your student is being taught. 
  • Listen to interview with Ken Freeman--know why you need to OPT OUT.
  • Listen to interview with Alice Linahan--know what to ask and see from your schools!
  • Listen to interview with Joan Landes--know how Common Core is affecting  your child.

Bottom line you have God-given "Parental Authority".  Common Core States Initiative seeks to take it away.  Fight for it as it is your child's (and nation's) best defense from being misled, manipulated as the pawns that Common Core planners (Bill Ayres, Kevin Jennings, Obama,Bill Gates etc.) seeks to use in their dream of "changing America".  Freedom isn't free and you can make a difference starting at home

Be sure to come to one of the Stand in the Gap Conferences in September--save the date--click here for link to one close to your area--free admission.
Please register for free Toolkit--to receive one at Conference!!


Opt-Out Form (Copy and Paste and Put In Your Own State's List of Tests -from your State Dept of Ed website)

Please find three version of non-consent to testing/assessments.  These are suggestions after having looked at many opt out or refusal forms.  Please visit this excellent website and determine for yourself what is best for your situation.  NY has been at it a lot longer than most states.  Here are additional link to study about the Hatch Amendment

The first one should have the model notification printed on back and gives you the rights to receive notice and opportunity to opt out (see number 3) and the right to inspect (and not samples).

The second one is a Refusal Letter as many are being told they can not opt out.  In this situation, your child needs to bring one everyday of testing and he/she can not fill in any of the test (just push it aside-don't even put in name).

Third one is for those that wants to just take child out of testing period.

As parent/legal guardian you do have rights.  Please study.  These are just food for thought samples.  We will be praying for you.



PPRA Notice and Consent/Opt-Out  (Model Notification--print on back)
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232h, requires[School District]to notify and obtain consent or allow  parents/guardians to opt  child out of participating in certain school activities. These activities include a student survey, analysis, or evaluation that concerns one or more of the following eight areas (“protected information surveys”):  1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; 2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family; 3. Sex behavior or attitudes; 4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; 5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; 6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers; 7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or 8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.  This requirement also applies to the collection, disclosure or use of student information for marketing purposes (“marketing surveys”) and physical exams and screenings.

I __________________________________________do not give my consent

                              (parent)                                    (child)
to participate in any student survey, analysis, class, evaluation or other activity pertaining to any of the above-listed eight categories, and I direct that  said child be excused from any such activities including any of the following testing/assessment:
ACT Explore, ACT Plan, ACT Quality Core End-of-Course Assessments, ACT WorkKeys, ACT Plus Writing Assessment, ACT Aspire, Alabama Science Assessment, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

( __) Student should also be opted-out  of preliminary pre-testing associated with the assessments.

We are told  that there will be no sit and stare policy for children opting out, that they will be allowed other accommodation and will not be punished, investigated or retaliated upon. 

(___)Please notify me where my child will go during testing and if he will be allowed to read a book etc.

(___)I want my child to not take the assessments and will be keeping child home for that reason during testing.

Thank you for your cooperation.    

Parent’s signature

Please make a copy for parent and place initial of school personnel receiving form here:__________.

Date:_________________________ School Year:____________________       

School Name and Address:        



(Copy and Paste)


Refusal Letter

Date______________   Grade_______________

School ___________________________________
We are writing today to formally inform you of our decision to refuse to allow
child______________________________, to participate in any standardized assessments imposed on children across the state for the 2013-2014 school year. Our refusal should in no way reflect on the teachers, administration, or school board. This was not an easy decision for us, but we feel that we have no other choice. We simply see these tests as harmful, expensive, and a waste of time and valuable resources. Our child will not participate in any assessments other than those solely used for diagnostic purposes for the individual classroom teachers.
 ________________________will not participate in the following:  Any benchmark exams / pre–assessments / standardized assessments, any surveys, or “field tests” given by corporate or government entities or testing companies,  any  assessment used to evaluate teacher, including any of these (as pertain to his/her grade level):  ACT Explore, ACT Plan, ACT Quality Core End-of-Course Assessments, ACT WorkKeys, ACT Plus Writing Assessment, ACT Aspire, Alabama Science Assessment, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

We anticipate that ______________ will be treated fairly during assessment periods, as this was not his decision, but ours, as his parents.  We hope that you will allow my child to read silently during assessment periods.  If not, please let me know what you will allow my child to do.

Just to be clear, ______________________________(school district) does not have permission to administer any state or district mandated standardized benchmark assessments to my child ________________________.

Signature of Parent/Guardian_____________________________________________

School office-please initial receipt here____________and make a copy for parent.  Thank you.

Parental Rights
The US Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the parents have the fundamental righ to direct the upbringing and education of their children.  In recognition of both the right and responsibility of parents to control their children's education, the US Supreme Court has stated, "It is cardinal with us that the custody, care, and nurture of the child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the State can neither supply nor hinder."  Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158, 166 (1944).

The US Supreme Court has recognized that the right of parents to raise their children free from unreasonable state interference is one of the unwritten liberties protected by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution and criticized a state legislature for trying to interfere "with the power of parents to control the education of their own." Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 US 390,401 (1923).



Letter of No Consent

As the parent, or legal guardian of ______________________________, under U.S legislation and federal court decisions, I have the fundamental and legal right to direct the upbringing and education of my child which the school may not deny. 
In recognition of both the right and responsibility of parents to control their children's education, the US Supreme Court has stated, "It is cardinal with us that the custody, care, and nurture of the child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the State can neither supply nor hinder."  Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158, 166 (1944).

The US Supreme Court has recognized that the right of parents to raise their children free from unreasonable state interference is one of othe unwritten liberties protected by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution and criticized a state legislature for trying to interfere "with the power of parents to control the education of their own." Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 US 390,401 (1923).

The PPRA also affords parents certain rights regarding conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. Following is a list of the specific activities and surveys covered under this requirement (PPRA):
Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution.
Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by ED.

Please be advised that I do not give consent for my child, ___________________, to be participating in any of the testing during the current school year such as these listed:
Global Scholar, ACT Explore, ACT Plan, ACT Quality Core End-of-Course Assessments, ACT WorkKeys, ACT Plus Writing Assessment, ACT Aspire, Alabama Science Assessment, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
We will be keeping ___________ out of school during the initial testing period and will not allow him to be tested during the make-up period.
Child’s name ____________________________________________ Grade Level _________
Parent’s name (printed) _______________________________________________________
Parent’s signature __________________________________________ Date______________
School Name ________________________________________________________School Year _________

Received by_____________________________________________ Date Received________

Just to be clear district does not have permission to administer any state or district mandated standardized benchmark assessments to my child


Flyer-Common Core Removes Parental Authority / Who Will Parents Go To When The Power of Local School Boards Is Gone?

Here is a link to a Common Core Collage that you can copy and make CDs to distribute for those new to the Common Core fight.  Very informative--excerpts from Proferssors Jim Milgram, Sandra Stotsky,  Christel Swasey, Charlotte Iserbyt etc.

Here is a flyer (tri-fold) that can be used to wake up parents to the coming demise of Parental Authority (should they decide not to be involved).  Please download the files and then print from your downloaded PDF file--you may want to enlarge it just a bit.  It is going to take a massive awakening to make a difference.  Please share.  This flyer includes Lou Gerstner's idea (his company Achieve wrote Common Core) on getting rid of the 16,000 school districts and replace with 70.  He apparently does not believe most parents should have input.  So he makes a suggestion to our Pres  and as you can see in this link the power will be solidified under one global management firm (a firm where he got his start) within the next two years.  Included is also the very disturbing supposition from Planned Parenthood that their role should be that of math teachers as they are the experts on the medical aspects of Sexuality Education.  If you have a problem with that, then please share this brochure with your friends, family, churches etc.  Also here is a link to an OPT-Out Form and a Petition that should be physically handed to your legislator when they come to townhall meetings to educate them on your feelings about the loss of your Parental Authority over your children.  It's time to pray, study and act and may God have mercy upon us and save us in this time of need.

