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Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

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Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in socialism (6)


The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan--Now It's Our Turn If Freedom Is To Reign

Luca Bocci

She left us without warning, in a grey and cold morning as it happens so frequently in London, without much of a fuss, leaving the world astounded like in the splendid decade that defined the future of a country that, back then, everybody considered a lost cause.
For all of those like myself who grew under the spell of the giants of conservative politics in the 1980s it was a sudden blow, a punch to the stomach that leaves you breathless, dumbfounded.
You try to remember only the good times, the many lessons she tried to teach us in her long political career and her flawless private live.
You try to remain composed, show the “stiff upper lip” that Britons are so rightly proud of.
Then, as the hopeless Latin idiot you are, you start crying like a pig.
Mind you, this is not a rhetorical figure, even as I write this article I feel tears running on my cheeks. Doesn’t happen that often. Many years ago, when my grandmother passed away, after a long and painful struggle with cancer, I couldn’t shed a tear. Not this time, this time I cried like a baby.
You wonder why. I have never had the honor to meet Margaret Thatcher but I felt closer to her than I feel with many so-called friends, colleagues or even relatives.
She taught me what loving your country really means.
She taught me that business-as-usual politics are nothing but a farce, that the only way to leave a mark is getting down and solve real problems, even when it’s not convenient.
She taught me that on principles you never compromise, ever, even or especially if you know that you’ll have to pay a steep personal or political price for it.
She taught me what leadership was all about, how a real leader treats special interests, those who think that their gain trumps always the national interest.
She was not a distant figure, an icon to venerate from afar. Margaret Thatcher was a role model in every way, from personal to political life. Majestic, sculpted in stone, unreachable. The idea of walking in her footsteps ludicrous, as it should happen when you choose the right person. This, in my very humble opinion, is the real hallmark of her greatness.
You judge a tree by its fruits. Margaret’s are still very visible, even if the special interests she fought so hard have tried their very best to destroy everything she’s built.
Margaret Thatcher changed British politics forever. Her reluctant and possibly insincere heir, David Cameron, couldn’t help himself, he had to slash taxes on enterprises and increase the no-tax area. Things that in continental Europe would still be anathema. This country is still different from the rest of Europe, better, with much solid foundations, thanks to her.
In the darkest moment of European history in the past century, when everywhere the forces of statism and totalitarianism are getting ready for their final assault on personal freedoms, when people feel no shame in taking money away from private citizens’ bank accounts, sacrificing everything to their false god, the government, Margaret left us.
This is not her world anymore, there seems to be place only for the looters Ayn Rand described so vividly 50 years ago.
Now the only acceptable way to become rich is stealing public money, money extorted by force from citizens that are nothing but slaves to the government, deprived of every right, except the one to obey and pay.
Margaret Thatcher saved a country that seemed all but doomed only to see it fall back into the hands of the same criminals that almost destroyed it.
She left active politics long ago, but her presence was very much felt in Westminster.
Her legacy, though, is elsewhere, in the hearts and minds of all the children of the conservative revolution that she and Ronald Wilson Reagan spearheaded.
Her words of wisdom and common sense are a daily inspiration to all of those that refuse to give up and stand up in front of the rising statist tide, facing the hubris of Socialists, red and black alike, that see the day of final victory approaching fast.
If there is a single hope to avert once again the fall of Western civilization and the triumph of statist mysticism, well, we owe it to her, her example and her memory.
Now we are truly alone and we must walk our path without her silent presence to guide us.
Her departure couldn’t have happened in a worse moment, but hope cannot fade with her.
Never forget, never surrender. We have lived on the shoulder of these two giants long enough.
Now is the time to turn their words into actions and fight in their name.
Our tears will fade in the rain, yes, but they will not fall in vain.
Remember April 8th, mark it on your calendar, for this is the day the real battle has to begin, now we must make their dream, the conservative revolution, reality.
We owe it to Margaret. She deserves nothing less than that.

Hear perspective on this wonderful lady--kind lady (yes, kind because she fought so that tyranny would not trample on free people) in today's show as we look at what makes for great nations...

Click here and listen



Obama Policies Shows A Record of Destruction From Life All The Way to Economy, From The Physical All The Way To The Spiritual--Vision of His Promised Rosy Future Is In A Decadent Past--as the Record Speaks

This is an excerpt from Nevada Life:

Leo Alexander, who was consultant to the Secretary of War and on duty with the office of Chief Counselor for War Crimes in Nuremberg, says that what happened in Nazi Germany "all started with the acceptance of the attitude that there is such a thing as life not worthy to be lived."

An elderly German man who lived through the Holocaust tells the following story:

I always considered myself a Christian. I attended a church since I was a small boy. We had heard the stories of what was happening to the Jews; but like most people in America today, we tried to distance ourselves from the reality of what was really taking place. What could anyone do to stop it?

A railroad track ran behind our small church, and each Sunday morning we would hear the whistle from a distance and then the clacking of the wheels moving over the track. We became disturbed when one Sunday we heard cries coming from the train as it passed by. We grimly realized that the train was carrying Jews.

Week after week that train whistle would blow. We would dread to hear the sound of those old wheels because we knew that the Jews would begin to cry out to us as they passed our church. It was so terribly disturbing! We could do nothing to help these poor people, yet their screams tormented us. We knew exactly at what time that whistle would blow, and we decided the only way to keep from being so disturbed by the cries was to start singing our hymns. If some of the screams reached our ears, we'd just sing a little louder until we could hear them no more.

Years have passed, and no one talks about it much any more; but I still hear that train whistle in my sleep. I can still hear them crying out for help. God forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians, yet did nothing to intervene.

Hopefully we are shedding our apathy in this nation--so much so that this issue has held up the health care reform that was being pushed down our throats.  But there is so much more to be done.  So I call out to you for help for the little ones whose cries can't be heard as they move inside their mother's womb from those that makes sure they are never heard.  Please pray for strength for this nation and each of us individually to do our part.

If you are a mother who made the mistake and want to help turn the tide--please go to Operation Outcry where you can with full confidentiality sign an affidavit (initials-if you wish) as the Supreme Court has acknowledged the harm done by abortion but they need a much larger number of testimonies--your help is very much needed.

Number of abortions per year--Worldwide: Approximately 42 Million 
                                                           USA:              1.37 Million (1996)

Obama's first act opened door to abortion on demand to be sponsored the world over by US and this death and destruction policy has set the course for this nation.  For every action there is an equal re-action and I wonder if heaven did not groan at his lack of care for the life of a child.  Four years later his first move of destruction has been repeated towards the US economy as his protection of environment has stifled jobs and raised unemployment and chaos in family finances as well as family relationships.  His plans to help the poor with Obamacare has backfired as more people are unable to get care due to lack of doctors.  His plans to educate students and make them college and career ready with his passage of common core standards (national standards) has so far produced more deficits in state coffers to the point that states are robbing their own trust funds such as in Alabama.  He has protected his contributors and championed their causes such that Planned Parenthood, Green Energy Companies are welcome guests at the White House along with the Moslem Brotherhood.   Throughout the nation crime, theft and depravity has increased---will America say enough is enough?  We will find out very soon..


Byword Prevention Week 1--180 Movie-Remember Hitler /No Medicare Advantage Program /VW Passat 76.37 US MPG -Why Not In US?

"For we must Consider that we shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us; so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world." We are asking the Body of Christ to worship God in spirit and in truth--please print this on one side and on the back side print the copy of what churches can and cannot do from Liberty Council (link here).  Pray and share it with your church family in your bible studies, Sunday school and Pastors.

I.  180 Movie (33 min.).  It draws us to Hitler's reign-moments that the Germans still want their children to remember and not repeat.  Unfortunately many here in America have forgot.  This movie is really about life and the value of it.  Many young people within minutes sees the horror of what pro-choice truly means and finds themselves unable to justify killing an unborn child.  Please share with every youth group as this will definitely Awaken your church and visit stand in the gap.  Hear our interview with Ben Dupre, Pres. of Personhood Alabama, dated 5-16-12 see link.  He gave a copy of this movie to all AL State Legislators (hope others states will do same-for outside Alabama contact Personhood USA).  Movie is at

II.  God commands us to love our brothers and getting informed is part of that.  Obamacare if not repealed will destroy our way of life and our elderly loved ones will be very much affected.  Interview Thursday 5-18-12 with Grace Marie Turner, Pres of Galen Institute points out the harm Obamacare does to the Medicare Advantage Program.  In an article on is this excerpt: " AAF also reports that the changes made by ObamaCare may redistribute Medicare benefits away from those who need them most."  Read complete article titled "Obamacare May Hurt Medicare Advantage Plans For Poor" at

III.  Let us do our homework and find out why a Volkswagen Passat that has been proven by Guiness World Records to get an ave of 76.37 US mpg not available for Americans?  Visit Guiness at  Here is an excerpt from Guiness: "The greatest distance driven on a single standard tank of fuel is 2,545.80 km (1,581.88 miles) by a Volkswagen Passat 1.6 TDI BlueMotion, ... The average consumption amounted to 3.08 l/100 km (91.71 UK mpg, 76.37 US mpg)."

There is a Youtube video from a very angry American who traveled in Europe in this car and tried to get one when he came back home and was told no.  In light of the manipulation we have seen with Obamacare-we need to find out why and put resources to make such vehicle be available in US too.  Our voices should be heard to help hurting families.   Give Congress food for thought--(202) 224-3121 from "We the People".


Independents and Santorum Have in Common-Distrust of Obamacare

What do many independents and Santorum have in common?  Ironically the issue at the heart of Santorum--Obamacare.  He more than any candidate knows the reality of Obamacare will affect his family and in particular children like his little Bella.  God is gracious to let America see itself in the mirror. Santorum talked about euthanasia and what it has done in Europe.   Also a friend Luca who lives in that Socialism has this to say:

"Socialism always end in genocide. You have the silent massacre of unborn humans, that costed hundreds of millions of lives. Now you have the genocide of "not useful" people, old and sick, that would "burden" the Leviathan, the unholy, all knowing and all powerful government. Not surprised one bit. Theirs is a religion of hate, of death, of despair. There can be no peace with that kind of persons. Ours is not a time for shades of grey."

Indeed, these are the times when the stark contrast of what Obamacare pretends to offer you (government help) with what this article re: euthanasia in the Netherlands shows you.

In it is a quote "Schadenberg said the Netherlands does not collect information on how many people with disabilities die by euthanasia, nor was information provided in the government report on how many infants born with disabilities are euthanized based on the request of the parents and the agreement of the physician." Santorum was criticized about his euthanasia remarks but with Obamacare--the death panel will have various tools as apparently the Netherlands does.  So rise up America and get rid of Obamacare and with the right candidate that will make sure it protects you and his family.

The end of the article says:

"The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is wondering how many people with disabilities are coerced into death by euthanasia based on a false concept that living with a disability is a life of suffering,"..

Here is a link that lists people with disabilities--you decide is Obamacare worth keeping at the expense of others--that's what Socialism will do and the most ironic thing is like it or not--you will be paying for it.

Pray and act!


Judge Roy Moore, Tea Party Italy and Tea Party Patriots On The Constitution vs Socialism

Hear perspectives from home and abroad about the reality of what this administration's bent on socialism (with Obamacare, Common Core or National Standards among others) will lead to.  Luca Bocci of Tea Party Italian paints a very disturbing picture of a country who in their hope of forming a better constitution had thought it would give everyone more freedoms, more rights to free healthcare, housing, jobs (where you can't be fired from).  Only problem was their unlimited desires met up with limited money when used by an unlimited number of corrupt politicians who serve themselves (vote-buying) first just as America is seeing today.

However here in America, there is an incredible document called the Constitution to go back to.  But it's going to take Americans realizing the truth of where the Foundation is to be able to rebuild it back solid instead of the sinking sand so many in Washington keeps building on.



Here's some of the text on interview.  Be sure to listen to it's entirety as this is one of the best lessons you'll hear on your upcoming future and indeed how precious is the US Constitution.  It is a gift that must be dusted off by its citizens so that they can keep this the land of the free...


Judge Moore:

...I do think that what Mr. Luca said should inspire us in America because I understand his point.  We have the Constitution.

They did not have a document to restrict this power and they've naturally grown into what has become tyrannical government that tries to control everything.  But we do have the Constitution and we ought to be very grateful for it.

I looked recently at my schedule book, in our little daily schedules-printed in New York the schedulers or monthly planners whatever.  They have all these holidays-Mexico Independent, Mexican Revolution, Mexican Constitution and on September 17th they make no mention of Constitution Day and that's simply exemplary of what's going on in our country is an attempt to eliminate what the Constitution means. They say it's a living document or not a living document, it is a dead document.   We've got to understand what they mean by "living." 

They mean  that it changes like they supposed human nature changes and  therefore it's not viable.  But the point is human nature does not change because it's fallen from grace of God and therefore the Constitution which restricted that human nature is as viable today as it was yesterday or 200 years ago.  It is "living" in the fact that it  does not change because human nature does not change.  It is "not" a dead document.

But they've co-opted the language already, so that they've got us saying it's  not living.  Well, if it's not living its dead.  Now, I understand what they mean by living.  What they mean by living is wrong-- it (Constitution) does not change because human nature does not change. 

And human nature will not change and that's what we've got to understand.  The Constitution is very viable today as it was then...



Where Is The Hope For Italy's Economy? Tea Party Italia


Today we had an interview with someone who loves Italy and is very concerned for where his nation is headed.  His desire is to share truths that will  bring Italy back from the pit of destruction.  He believes it will require a getting back to basics.  He is very well founded and reminds me of one Alexander de Tocqueville of a long time ago.  He too wanted better for his country and he too saw the answer.  We saw the road taken by France and today so much at stake in Italy and the rest of Europe.  Will a brave band of brothers (and sisters) who have pledged to do their best to serve their nation at her hour of need--(Tea Party Italia) will their wisdom be heeded?

Just as Alexander de Tocqueville saw the key to America's greatness--so does our new found friend.  But in a world so complex, so modern, so technological  and with access to instant information can simple truths even be accepted?  Just like here in America, we are seeing the pitfalls of socialism.  Our own economy doesn't know where to go.  There is so much manipulation by leaders who have given cronyism more stature than patriotism and true public servants have become rare. 

Our guest shares how hard working Italians are being manipulated so well that they don't even know that in truth their income is diminished by about 70 per cent.  They have also failed to realize that the security that was set up for workers to keep jobs have stifled the tools for free market to the point their economy is dying under the weight of so much security for the future of the masses.  In reality it is what's going to end their future of a sovereign Italy as there is a call to give it up for the sake of a better future.  Our guests sends out a call himself for those with Italian heritage to come to their aid.  Listen to the interview and know his love for Italy and he hopes you will care about his Italy too.  Please visit their website

May those who came here from that amazing country hear the call and answer.  Please don't forget to pray as it matters a lot--just remember George Washington and  his prayers--it made all lthe difference.

* *Please notice on top right is a google translator to help translate this in other languages such as Italian.