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Why is America At War

Cross in the ashes of the WTC

Click on pic to 9/11


The Powerful Story on the Twins
Lifting Each Other in Prayer with Ms. Margaret
Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

See Prayer List



Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

Truths To Share As Freedom Isn't Free

Click on pic to see samples of what's on site

Join with us in prayer (National Prayer List)


Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield


For The Love of Little Isabella--Miller v Jenkins Case

It is a sad day when we hear in the news that a mother may go to jail for trying to protect her daughter from being allowed by the courts to service visitation rights of a lesbian partner.Hearings are scheduled for Fridayin Vermont and next week in Virginia.

I was taught it was the court's job to interpret the Constitution according to the intent of the Founding Fathers. Never in a million years would the Founders thought we would have laws that are set up to do harm to our children. Yet time and again that is what we are seeing. I hope many will read the story of little Isabella--a child who the courts of Virginia have relinquished their ability to protect. In a state that overwhelmingly voted against same-sex marriage, their court seems to have misunderstood the purpose. I pray the people of Virginia will wake up to this affront. It is time to use wisdom and remember what did the Founders say should be used as a check for these out of control judges? Something we haven't had the backbone to do in many years--impeachment. But then there is now little Isabella and she is not alone and they need our help. Please be in prayer for the pending hearing. Here is a link to newscast



Christian Patriotism

I am posting a link above from the movie, "The Patriot," which to me gives you some idea of how Christians were involved in fighting for the freedoms we enjoy in America.( Please click on it and watch it)

I'm not saying we need to go out and physically fight, but what I am saying is we need to become aware, engage, speak out, get involved in what is going on in our country right now, or we risk the chance of losing many of the rights and freedoms we have now.

Being complacent or even just saying you will pray about it or you may talk about it with your Christian friends is not enough. When I was in school, we could pray in school and actually the Lord's Prayer was said every morning over the intercom, before each assembly, before every football game. Abortion was not legal. You could have the Ten Commandments posted anywhere. Look what has happened over the years. Where were we as Christians? I am as guilty as anyone else, so please don't think I am blaming anyone.

I believe with all of my heart that NOW is the time we as Christians should continue to pray, but also ask God, "Send Me," or "What would you have ME do?" It may be as simple as e-mailing or calling your congressmen. It might be attend a meeting of some kind that you feel impressed to go to or contacting your friends and encouraging them in some way to become active. Whatever it is, just become involved. Don't be like I was as a young Christian who never got involved in anything unless it was something at church. As I listed above, those things happened on my watch, when I was younger. Now I'm older, but wiser and I'm trying to make a difference. I hope you will, too.

-Wanda McDonald


As a Christian, these things trouble me....

As a Christian, these things trouble me…
• President Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act when it was brought to the Illinois senate while he was a senator. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act is a bill that would grant legal rights to babies who survived a failed abortion and therefore would be given medical care instead of being left for dead. Who in their right mind could vote that a baby born alive could be left for dead?

• The president dodged the question about when life begins, at the Saddleback Church Forum during the primaries by saying the creation of life is above his pay grade. With all the advances in medical technology and the ability to hear and see a baby at virtually all stages of development in the mother’s womb, how could he say that? Isn’t Obama obligated to protect as many lives as possible?

• President Barack Obama said in Turkey: "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideas and a set of values."

• On May 7th, the annual National Day of Prayer was held, but the president attended no events for it.

• When President Obama spoke at Georgetown University, a religious symbol behind him was covered by some plywood. Also after worshiping in the Rev. Wright’s church for 20 years, the president is no longer affiliated with a specific church.

• For more than 40 years, the Air Force has flown over the “God and Country Festival,” in Idaho, but not this year. The Pentagon says it cannot provide planes because the festival endorses religion. Again the Air Force cooperated with the festival 42 years in a row but will not this year.

Did I leave anything out? Let me know if I did or what YOUR comments are on all of this.

I won’t even get started on my concerns about how Obama is handling the economy…at least not right now…

-Wanda McDonald


God Uses The Foolish Things Of This World To Confound Or Put To Shame The Wise

Message of hope being heard in small town America--City On A Hill Radio Show--because God has not forgotten America and to whom much is given--much is expected.  Tune in and be encouraged to act.

But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 1 Corinthians 1:27

I believe Sarah Palin is going to be a living example of this verse, to us as Christians and to the secular world of Hollywood, intellectuals and media elites. Through no fault of her own, she and her family have been viciously criticized, belittled, and slandered and yet, she continues to draw crowds and fans by the thousands. What is it about this woman that brings out the most venemous blogs, commentaries and articles I've ever seen in my 52 years of living? I believe it is what the above verse says. Actually, I like how the Old King James version states it. Instead of using the words, "put to shame," it uses the word, "confound," a much better word to describe Sarah Palin and the real "gut" reaction the elitist have to her. They just don't quite know what it is they don't like about her. It's just there..."confounding" them.

I think I know. I believe God has raised her and others that we may not even be aware of yet ,"for such a time as this." There are many Esters, Deborahs, Daniels and Josephs out there who are not intimidated by the enemy and Sarah Palin is one of them. She has the elite media and intellectuals "confounded." They're all talking about her, trying to figure out what she is going to do and everytime they think, "aha, we have her now," she does something completely unexpected.

After Sarah gave her resignation speech, all of the commentators and politicians were in a frenzy trying to analyze and criticize, but when I heard her resignation speech, I knew. Here is a woman who is not afraid to speak the truth, even if it's not the "politically correct" thing to say. She speaks to the heart of middle America, the common men and women, you know, the ones who cling to their guns and religion and at the same time she has the heart of a woman and mother who speaks out for the unborn and handicapped and says their lives are of value in a country that has numbed its conscience to these precious individuals. This is a woman who has been ridiculed for her faith and her conservative values like no other woman in the public arena. I don't know what God has planned for Sarah Palin, but I am thankful for her and I'm praying for God to raise others up in our nation who will be willing to take a stand no matter the cost.

-Wanda McDonald


Health Care Reform Town Hall Meetings--Videos 

Here are some videos of some of the town hall meetings on this very important issue. Hope all of us will let our congress and pres know--their power grab has to stop. There is not enough money to fund this at this time. They are lying to us stating they care when they know there is not enough money to fund this program and will bankrupt the country. Thanks to all the brave people speaking up at the town hall meetings--they must be heard.

Arlen Specters' town hall meeting--Lebanon, Pa

Reporter attacked by SEIU thugs at town hall meeting

American's wants their right to speak vs lawmakers right to dictate



Keep calling Congress (202) 224-3121

It's not over yet--so keep calling Congress about the following:

No on Cap and Trade, No on Health Care Reform and no on Military Spending with Hate Crime Bill included!  Take a stand today and tell the majority--watch out for 2010.  This is the land of the free--let us try hard to keep it that way.  They would like to have their cake before the August break--don't ease up as it maybe the greatest thing you can do.  Be sure to read the Congressional Budget Office Analysis and the EPA report as well as blog on hate crime legislation.  We must all be informed for such a time as this...


Congressional Budget Office Analysis--this will cost the poor to lose jobs

The cost to the health care reform is a trillion dollars plus in 10 years with higher costs beyond and another cost isfor the poor. Supposedly millionaire's will pay more taxes but according to the Congressional Budget Office low income people will also have less jobs available for them. Obama hopes to help the poor that are going bankrupt due to medical bills but this plan will hurt the rich and the poor and unfortunately may also bankrupt the nation. All the rush when everyone knows we can not afford it at today's economy. This should be debated in full and not rushed into like the stimulus bill--because in the long run a band-aid will not fix a heart condition. Read the CBO analysis and be an overlooked item--poor people needs to know they will not be exempt in the pain thrust by this administration's plan to overlook truths in the cost of health care reform.

"Requiring employers to offer health insurance—or pay a fee if they do not—is likely to reduce employment, although the effect would probably be small. Those who would most likely be affected are currently paid close to or at the minimum wage. They would be more vulnerable to job loss..