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Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

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Res TORAH ation



By; Dan'el Fraley


         There are many interesting things happening in the our day because I believe the Lord is coming soon and He is bringing knowledge to those who are looking for it. In Israel the young Shiva students (studying to be Rabbis) are telling their instructors that they want to hear less about Talmud and more from the scriptures. In the Christian  seminaries the young students are telling their instructors they want to hear less about denominational traditions and want more scriptures. I can picture a train track with three rails, the two outer rails are Judaism and Christianity, and the middle rail is the truth and our path to the Kingdom. As Bible prophesy tells us, we will be one. Churches are beginning to wake up and clean the pagan practices out of their worship and God is blessing them,  verifying they are on the right track. With the age of computers, there is no excuse to lack knowledge. If we research history we will see things like; Why the Jews mistrust Christians, why Christianity has strayed from its Torah roots, how paganism leavened its way into the church and many other things. When we seek and find the truth, do we use it to change, or continue on our path to lawlessness and eternal death, or do we use this knowledge to change?  if you know you are wrong, do something about it. Sure you will be persecuted and called Judaizers but the end reward is service in Messiahs Kingdom. 

        I have been called a Judaizer by fellow Christians because I bring issues up about the first century church fallowing Torah. This is a miss use of the word. A Judaizer is someone trying to convert Christians to the Jewish faith. I am a firm believer in the Messiah Jesus/Yeshua and have some knowledge of Torah and can see how it is relevant to return to it.  So many Christians still do not read the testaments in a Hebraic mindset, they think in terms of second century pagan and Roman influence. Rome and Israel were enemies so it is just natural that they would drive the Jewish ness out of Christianity. Do you ever wonder why there are so few miracles in the church today? I believe it is because we tell God how and when we want to worship Him instead of worshiping Him as He has taught us. Sin is plainly emplaned in the Bible as lawlessness or turning away from the Torah. If we know this, why do we continue to "kick against the pricks"? Restoration is coming and if we want to be a viable part in our Messiahs Kingdom we need to immerse ourselves in His word, from Genesis to Revelation. God is rising up Messianics in every denomination in order to get us on the right track. God is about to come and choose His brides, will we have enough oil/Torah in our lamps?

       Why do I harp on Torah? In Judaism, the rabbis consider not just the first five books of the Bible Torah, but also what we call the complete "Old Testament". As Christians, we should consider the whole Bible Torah. Torah is the instructions given to us by God in order to hit the mark. Remember, that Jesus and all His disciples and apostles did not have the "New Testament" as their word of God. They used Torah. The old "Torah" confirms the Apostolic writings, the Gospels and Revelation. God, who never changes, is pouring out the same message He has always delivered; Return to My Torah! Obey My commandments! All over the world, simultaneously, believers are rediscovering the Torah.


He who loves My commandments

and keeps them is the one who loves Me;

and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father,

and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.

John 14:21


       I believe in the last days, God is preparing a remnant of believers who will walk and live according to His commandments. A remnant will stand against the Antichrist in that day, Revelation 12:17. Holy spirit filled Jews and Christian, who believe in the Messiah, are longing to return to a biblically observant lifestyle in Torah.


Now it will come about that in the last days...

many peoples will come and say,

 "Come let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,

to the house of God of Jacob;

that He may teach us concerning His ways,

and that we may walk in His paths."

For the law (Torah) will go forth from Zion,

and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

Isaiah 2:2-3

        Do you feel your spirit being called by God to return to the faith that was established thousands of years ago? We are all walking in a world of darkness and if you found the only light in that darkness, it is Yeshua/Jesus. Come on into the light, do not just stand out there and gaze at it. "Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:29-30) We must read the Gospels and Epistles through the lens of Torah. If you read a passage from the Apostolic Scriptures that seems to contradict the older Scripture, then you have misunderstood the passage. God does not change His mind. If He did, we are all in big trouble.


Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths,

where the good way is, and walk in it;

and you will find rest for your souls.

Jeremiah 6:16

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