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Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

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Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in charter schools (5)


What Happens When Teachers Get A Glimpse of Their Future--What Planners of Common Core Hope Teachers Don't Find Out Until Too Late--Teachers Lose When Children Lose

Hear this from three education experts--two of which were on the National Validation Committee of Common Core and they have found it to be very deficient to the point that it is considered dangerous for children.  Teachers need to listen to these top experts (look up their accolades) and heed their warnings.

Obama and his Department of Ed have launched a full scale plan using taxpayer money to nationalize education.  And since the destruction is within the mind of a child-- it is easy to ignore the effects of Obamacore aka Common Core (here is a Common Core collage of excerpts from interviews with Professors Sandra Stotsky and Jim Milgram, Charlotte Iserbyt, Alice Linahan, Christel Swasey, Becky Gerritson, Jackie Virga, Col. John Eidsmoe, Ken Freeman,--you can make copies on CDs to share).

There are many parents already troubled about its effects in even as young as Kindergarteners (here's link of what is being forced upon one so young). And then here's a fb post from one parent whose heart is broken for many (the death of dreams toward exceptionalism?):

Here is what another mom experienced today in her child's classroom:
I had a real Common Core eye-opening, personal experience today when I volunteered in my youngest daughters kindergarten class today. I was asked by the teacher to pre-assess them on addition/subtraction. We are nearing 4 weeks in school and I was surprised of my task. She gave me the option to not do it since she knows how I
feel but I decided to go ahead. I can't even explain the rising of tears and emotions when 75% of the children looked to me for answers and were totally confused. Most have never seen addition/subtraction problems and my hear broke every time one said "I can't do this" or "I don't understand". Assessing children on things they haven't even been exposed to is WRONG! It sets them up for failure right at the beginning of school and the look of discouragement on their faces...broke my heart! Why shatter their spirit so young when they haven't even discovered the true love of learning? That's NOT rigor, that's plain inhumane!

But another class that is falling as victims at the same time are the teachers.  Many of them used to love their job.  It brought them joy to see the gleam in the eyes of children when they finally get what the teacher has worked hard to teach--that love for learning.  It also brought them joy when they saw a development of kindness and goodness toward fellow students when stories were read that promoted that Golden Rule.  The teaching profession was just marvelous in the eyes of many teachers, parents and definitely to students.  Then came Common Core...little by little the joy is leaving their profession. 

This link is to one mother's story to give a glimpse of how joy was snuffed out...

Many educators keep trying to convince themselves that's it's going to get better--that it's just a matter of time and they just need a better approach... hence more training etc. etc...

And then there are more of those that finally tell themselves that it is just too much and maybe it's time to get out.  For those that want to know what happened to their teaching profession, here is an interview with one teacher who had been at the top and then was brought low by the very people that at one point commended him for being such fine teacher.  If you are a teacher, please listen and realize you are not the problem.  However, it is also time for you to realize that "you" can be part of the solution. 


Here's another food for thought to make you realize this had been planned a long time ago.

Sometimes truth hurts but God is able to help us when we hurt and He certainly loves the little children.  By the way, there is help for you if you feel like you've been squeezed too hard.  Set yourself free and help God's children.  Remember the Founders ended tyranny by asking God to be part of the equation and please know God can overcome anything the other side throws your way(just be sure to be on the right side of God).

Here's an interview about a group that have been proven to help teachers:


Petition To Uphold Parental Authority

Here are a few videos (below)  to help those who are asleep about the trouble with our education system.  These are videos about its effects on children.  Also please be careful about the Parental Rights Amendment--here is a warning on it.

Here is a brochure/flyer that you can use.  There is room on bottom left of outside page to enter your contact info for your group or state or self--please feel free to use and help educate. 

Inside of Brochure

Outside of Brochure

 Link to Opt-Out Form

To sum it up the educational systems being touted such as the Common Core Standards, Charter Schools and School Choice are all very dangerous for they all are built on an unconstitutional foundation of taking away parental authority and local control.  The founding fathers had set up a great system of local control as we saw with local elected officials such as school boards, accountable to the people in their communities.  But alas there is a change in the making to erode the power of WE the people right smack under the disguise of making our kids College and Career Ready.  Listen to the interview of Mona Lisa and Kip Harding and realize the failure of our education system when compared to the Founders system of PARENTAL AUTHORITY over their children's education.

Those touting Common Core uses the military problem of moving place to place as the mantra for the Common Core and this is debunked early in the conversation with this family.

More parents are waking up as we are hearing the cries of the children.  We hope you will join us and make a stand.  Here is a petition written up by Mrs. Barbara Moore (historian) we hope you will bring to your legislators as they come to your community:

Petition To Uphold Parental Authority--here is link to form

We, the undersigned, exercise our 1st Amendment right to petition the
government for a redress of grievances by placing our signatures to this
document.  We oppose all attempts by the government to authorize the Common
Core Educational System, School Choice and Charter Schools.  All of these
undermine parental authority and local school boards.  We support defunding
Common Core, School Choice, Charter Schools, and the Dept. of Education.  The
10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that, "The powers not delegated
to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are
reserved to the states respectively, or to the people".  No power is delegated
to the U.S. regarding education so it is clearly unconstitutional for the national
government to be involved in it, dictating standards and policies.  We uphold
parental authority and respectfully require our government to do likewise.

Please copy and paste above and get people to sign on.

Make a statement and maybe even inform them as some may not realize the bottom line is that we will not tolerate the loss of PARENTAL AUTHORITY.  We who know where our blessings come from, also know we have a God-given responsibility to raise the children.  Those who want to take that authority away should hear from you.  Please take this petition with signatures to your legislators and impress upon them the importance of your PARENTAL AUTHORITY.



Click on video where you hear Professor Jim Milgram (top Math expert that was on the National Validation Committee), Professor Sandra Stotsky (top English expert that was on the National Validation expert) and Charlotte Iserbyt who is the whistle-blower on the manipulation of the minds of America's children.


Stop this trend now--we can't afford for parents to lose out--because

here is more of what we will see in the future



May God help us see America needs Him--The Founders did and it made all the difference----Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.


Schedule of Guests for Sept 2011 City On A Hill

Please remember show airs M-F at 1:30 pm ct (player is on home page of and programs are recorded and available on player on home page (within 10 min after) and day later on podsite.

Sept 1- Hear an interview with Mr. Larry Sand of CTEN(California Teachers Empowerment Network) regarding how times have changed and what teachers are facing today.

Sept 2- Hear interview with Dawn Wildman and her Tea Party perspectives.  Why are the people that are wanting to move this nation back to the Constitution being called the villains? The ususal tool of the enemy is lies upon lies.

Sept 5- Hear re-airing of an earlier interview with Dawn Wildman, Sandra Stotsky and Jim Milgram about the common core standards which will lead to the end of parental rights over their children's education.  Putting Washington in charge of national standards is a dangerous thing--be warned and share.

Sept 6- Hear city on a hill perspectives on the state of our nation today.

Sept 7- Hear perspectives from one Kaylon Jones who sees the value of hard work and is issuing a cry for a new look at the bondage-- that welfare truly can become.

Sept 8- Hear historical perspectives from our two history teachers and learn in detail why Social Security is being called by Rick Perry as a Ponzi scheme.

Sept 9- Hear perspectives from Luca Bocci of Tea Party Italia on how socialism is crippling his nation and many others.

Sept 12- Hear perspectives from Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt( and our friend in Israel, Luden, about 9/11 and what is going on in the middle-east specially in Israel.

Sept 13- Hear perspectives from USMC SGT. (ret) John Bernard about 9/11 and the war on terror.  We are so grateful for his sacrifice and those of others such as his son Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard.  God has indeed blessed America.

Sept 14- Hear perspectives from Dan Fraley our teacher of Hebraic Roots as he talks about those living in the middle east.

Sept 15- Hear perspectives from Don Simmons, author of The Unborn Series as we remind America of the price of lack of knowledge--it has meant the death of innocents.  Please get informed and help the most beautiful of God's creation--innocent tiny human beings--receive what we have---"life"...

Sept 16- Hear perspectives from this nation's foremost expert on healthcare--Grace Marie Turner( and one of this nation's staunch defender of freedom--Dawn Wildman(California Tea Party). joined by Ala State Rep Michael Ball and Elois Zeanah, Pres of AFRW.

Sept 19- Hear perspectives from parents trying to raise godly children and hear one of these precious children sing about the God of love and from whom all our blessings flow--specially the childrlen.

Sept 20- Hear perspectives from Lou Campomenosi of Campaign on Common Sense and get excited about what is happening in the state that has ended 134 years of bondage.

Sept 21 - Hear perspectives Dr. Daniel Shayesteh ( and Pastor Tom Anderson and get inspired as you hear about the power that can overcome the darkness and lead all of us into light.  There is no one beyond the reach of Christ--as Dr. Shayesteh proves (I consider him Iran's modern day Paul--he helped oust the Shah of Iran).  Let us not forget to pray for those in darkness.  He will share with us how God used King Cyrus and King Darius.

Sept 22 Hear perspectives from Patriot Pastor Lear who helped turn his state of New Hampshire into a red state amidst the blue. 

Sept 23- Hear perspectives from Col. John Eidsmoe (Foundation for Moral Law), USMC Sgt (ret) John Bernard and Vickie Behenna ( on what is going on in today's military and how we can help our defenders best.  Be sure to share as today's highly questionable strategy and rules of engagement must be studied by Congress--and that depends on you.  We will be studying an amendment recently passed HR 318.

Sept 26- Hear perspectives from Donna Garner a Texas Conservative Education Activist.  She is one of the leaders in the charge of exposing the truth about the behind the scenes manipulation of our children's minds through education.  A must hear for parents.

Sept 27- Hear perspectives from Ben Dupre (Foundation for Moral Law) on the latest in the culture wars.

Sept 28- TBA

Sept 29- TBA

Sept 30- Hear perspectives from Peyton Wolcott ( and Dawn Wildman (California Tea Party and National Board Member of Tea Party Patriots) about what's going on in Congress.  These two are specialists in following the money trail.  Get informed.





Fethullah Gulen and his “frog in the boiling water” plan for American charter school children



Subject::  Fethullah Gulen and his “frog in the boiling water” plan for American charter school children


The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out; but if the frog is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. 

The danger is that by the time parents (and the taxpaying public) are discerning enough to figure out that the children in the Gulen charter schools are being indoctrinated into pro-Islam/anti-American thinking, the children will already be “cooked.”  -- Donna Garner


December 2010 trip to Turkey shows big details elude Austin ISD

April 6th 2011 By Curt Olson


The signs of financial crisis flashed everywhere for Austin Independent School District leaders.


A drop in property values hit its revenue stream between 2009 and 2010 and they expected lower state aid in 2012-13.


The district has now declared financial exigency and cut $94 million from its budget.


The Austin-American Statesman recently chastised Superintendent Meria Carstarphen in an editorial for botching a move to consider early retirement incentives in Austin ISD. She responded that those incentives will be too costly to the district. Yet, Board President Mark Williams admitted the missteps and the incentives should have been brought up in January.


Perhaps Austin ISD leaders should give more scrutiny to teachers they let go.


Austin ISD’s 2011 “Teacher of the Year” spoke at the recent “Save Our Schools” rally at the State Capitol. She said she and other “excellent teachers” have received notices they could lose their jobs.


No one doubts this is a stressful time in Austin ISD. But it’s becoming obvious that on big issues, important details elude the leadership.


Consider the “free” trip halfway around the world that Carstarphen and 10 other district curriculum directors and teachers took between December 14 and December 23, 2010.


Austin ISD had a responsibility to do their due diligence – even for a “free” trip, but they did not do it.


Austin ISD has a new relationship with Raindrop Turkish House (RTH), which will assist district staff in creating a curriculum on Turkey. This should assist teachers in preparing students for certain questions on state assessment tests.


It seemed obvious that completing their due diligence was the least taxpayers deserved.


However, Austin ISD was enthusiastic about the trip to Turkey. That enthusiasm extended from the superintendent to the board. Carstarphen and Board President Mark Williams did not respond to repeated requests for an interview.


At one time 12 administrators and teachers were scheduled for the trip. However, 11 people made the trip before Christmas. The Austin Aztex soccer team gave Austin ISD $14,400 to cover the cost for airfares, meals, parking, visas, and other incidentals for Austin ISD leaders and staff to make the trip to Turkey and back.


RTH [Rainbow Turkish House -- a Gulen school] paid for the stay and activities in Turkey, with included meetings at schools that had some madrassas, Islamic religious schools.


Now, RTH in Houston and Austin will assist Austin ISD in drafting a curriculum design, resources and instruction.


The RTH is connected to Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish imam who exiled himself to Saylorsburg, Pa. in 1999 under armed guard. Saylorsburg, Pa. is in Northeastern Pennsylvania near the Pocono Mountains. Gulen exiled himself because he faced charges of trying to overthrow the Turkish government. It is believed Gulen, who is a billionaire with a vast network of organizations and schools, including charter schools throughout the world and in the U.S., wants to restore the Ottoman Empire to Turkey.


Gulen has more than 80 charter schools nationwide, and in Texas more than 30 affiliated with the Cosmos Foundation, which also is a Gulen organization.


This trip’s clearest connection to Gulen is a photograph taken of a few people from the Texas delegation while they were in Turkey. A picture and article of the Texas visitors appeared during their trip in Today’s Zaman, the English language version of the Gulen newspaper. Today’s Zaman’s U.S. correspondent has acknowledged the publication is Gulenist.


Many of Gulen’s organizations, including RTH and the Cosmos Foundation, have noble goals: open dialogue with people of different faiths and its charter schools.


However, foreign policy experts who have watched events in Turkey say there are reasons for concern.


One person is Michael Rubin, who worked as a Pentagon staff adviser on Iran and Iraq from 2002-04 in the administration of former President George W. Bush. Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.


Rubin described Gulen as “controversial,” “secretive,” and a man who “operates a number of front groups.”


Additionally, multiple cables from the U.S. State Department express concerns about Gulen because he is less than transparent about his goals. The State Department is no bastion of conservatism.


In an e-mail response, Austin ISD dismissed the need to check out RTH by not even answering a couple of questions. Again, the superintendent did not respond to repeated requests for an interview.


The trip to Turkey likely will benefit those who went – and it will benefit the preparation of Austin students for future state tests.


However, the trip in December – in light of the financial crisis confronting Austin ISD – displays the epitome of tone deafness. Why would you travel halfway around the world with a financial crisis of this magnitude?


Additionally, the lack of due diligence on Gulen reveals that on the big issues the big details get overlooked. Perhaps some important financial questions were overlooked because the district’s leader was out of the country for 10 days just before Christmas.


Austin ISD will get their new Turkey curriculum, but at what price?


There were enough red flags about Gulen. All they had to do was look and ask some probing questions.



List of U. S. publicly funded Gulen schools:


Total number of schools currently in operation:  119
Number of states with schools in current operation:   25


4.20.11 -- “A Closer Look at the Cosmos Foundation/Harmony School Charter Operation in Texas” -- by Peyton Wolcott --



“Harmony Science Academies Tied to Gulen Charter Schools”

by Donna Garner



Here is the documentation to show that the Harmony Science Academies in Texas are directly tied to the Gulen Movement. We always need to bear in mind that Fethullah Gulen is an Islamist imam:  



1.  Guidestar -- Cosmos Foundation, Texas (a.k.a., Harmony Public Schools -- )



Cosmos Foundation is the management company for Harmony Science Academies, and the CFO of Cosmos is Umit Pecen; he attends the funding board meetings with Sonar Tarim. 


(Please see to learn more about Umit Pecen.)  


(Please go to to learn more about Sonar Tarim.)



2.  Oct. 7, 2010 -- Dr. Helen Rose Ebaugh -- “Mapping the Gulen Movement” -- Professor of Sociology, University of Houston --  Please slide the marker to 11:52 where Dr. Ebaugh says there are 25 Gulen charter schools in Texas (a.k.a., Cosmos Foundation -- Harmony Science Academies).  If these are not the Harmony Science Academies, to what other schools is she referring?  Obviously she means the Harmony Science Academies and that they are Gulen schools.



In Dr. Ebaugh’s remarks, she stated that she had traveled to Turkey to study the Gulen Movement; and she learned that after Gulen investors put up the capital for the Gulen schools for a couple of years, the schools operate on their own.


This should be the same model used in the United States. If individual citizens want to put up the money for the Harmony Science Academies to get them started, that would be a matter to be decided in the private sector; but we taxpayers should not have our tax dollars used to pay for any schools that are tied to the Muslim movement.


3.  PBS, “The Gulen Movement,” Jan. 25, 2011:


Excerpts from this website:


SEVERSON: Gülen-inspired volunteers from Turkey bring Turkish language and culture with them. In Houston they sponsor a Turkish Olympiad where American students compete in Turkish dance and song. The winners compete in an annual competition in Ankara, Turkey. There are more than a 1000 Gülen-inspired schools and universities in over 100 countries...

SEVERSON: In Texas there are 33 nationally recognized public charter schools with over 16,000 students grades K through 12. They’re called Harmony schools, and the Turkish superintendent insists they are strictly secular and in no way connected to Gülen. [As shown in Points #1 and #2, the Harmony Science Academies most certainly are Gulen schools. -- Donna Garner]  Professor Ebaugh says there’s a reason for this kind of sensitivity. [Dr. Ebaugh has stated publicly that she believes the Gulen charter schools in the United States should be more forthcoming about their links to him and to Turkey because she does not believe they have anything to hide. -- Donna Garner]

(4)  Students in the Gulen schools celebrate various Turkish Muslim holidays, and students frequently win trips to Turkey. 


Donna Garner



“Gulen Is Indeed a Dangerous Man” -- 3.26.11 --- by Donna Garner


Donna Garner - The subject of the cable was Fethullah Gulen, an Islamist imam, who is behind the Gulen Movement and the Gulen Charter Schools in America (a.k.a., Harmony Schools in Texas). Ambassador Jeffrey gives what he wants America’s stock answer to be if anyone ever charges the United States with “sheltering” Gulen.

A link was posted as a comment under my 3.24.11 article on —  –  entitled “FBI Investigation of Gulen Schools (a.k.a., Harmony Science Academies in Texas).”

Someone named Francis Venturini posted his comment on 3.25.11 at 5:18 A. M. and proceeded to give a link to the original Wikileaks cable sent on 12.4.09 from Embassy Ankara, Turkey, by Ambassador James Jeffrey [U. S. Ambassador to Turkey from 2008 - 2010].

I have never read a cable released by Wikileaks before (link posted at the bottom of this e-mail), but I believe this is what it said: 

The subject of the cable was Fethullah Gulen, an Islamist imam, who is behind the Gulen Movement and the Gulen Charter Schools in America (a.k.a., Harmony Schools in Texas).

Listed in the header to the cable are such words as Confidential, Ambassador James Jeffrey, Embassy Ankara, Secretary of State/Washington D. C., Secretary of Defense, CIA, Joint Staff, etc.  

At the end of the 2009 cable, Ambassador Jeffrey gives what he wants America’s stock answer to be if anyone ever charges the United States with “sheltering” Gulen.

I found it very disturbing that by 2009 when Ambassador Jeffrey wrote this cable, the Gulenists had already taken over the Turkish National Police by giving applicants the answers to the exams.  If this is standard protocol in Turkey by the Gulenists, I have to ask whether there is any outside monitoring of test security when the Gulen Charter Schools in the United States administer the state-mandated tests (TAKS in Texas) and the SAT/ACT.  If not, can we trust the Gulen Charter Schools’ (a.k.a., Harmony Schools in Texas) test results to be credible?

Notice that this cable from Embassy Ankara was written back in 2009. It was after that time in May and June of 2010 when the Gaza Strip flotilla fired on the Israelis; Turkey helped Iran to create a plan to avoid sanctions; and the Turkish prime minister said he regarded Iran’s President Ahmadinejad as a friend.


The author of  the 6.3.10 article entitled “It’s Not About the Flotilla: Turkey Changed Sides Years Ago” stated that the breakdown in U. S. and Israeli relations occurred in 2008 when Turkey elected an Islamist government:


All of this occurred during the time that the Gulen Movement was infiltrating Turkey and becoming more aggressive by taking over the news media, political structure, security police, educational system, and other institutions.  It cannot be a coincidence that as the Gulenist Movement in Turkey has grown, the Turkish relationship with the United States has deteriorated.


Is it any wonder that many Americans are worried about the Gulen Charter Schools and their Islamic influence upon our own public school children?  It is not a stretch to think that the Gulen Movement may be trying to take over our country using the same strategies they have used in Turkey.  

Combine this with the fact that a Texas legislator recently told me that he, unlike some of his fellow legislators, had refrained from accepting free trips to Turkey offered by Gulen/Cosmos Foundation/Harmony Schools.  I have also been told that many high-level policymakers on both sides of the aisle, selected news media pesonalities, and Congressmen have taken these free trips to Turkey — the center of the elegant Ottoman Empire — where they have been wined and dined royally by the Gulenists.  Students at the Harmony Schools also are sent on these Turkish trips.  

FYI:  The United States has two key permanent bases in the Middle East.  Incirlik, Turkey, and Riyad, Saudi Arabia. These are strategic installations.  For reference, Incirlik was the home base for all U-2 flights over Russia before satellites.  Riyad was the staging point for both Iraqi Wars. Both bases are essential in the Middle East.



4.19.11 -- World Net Daily


Flood of Turkish teachers prompts investigation
Witness says feds looking into Islam-influenced network



In Texas:


“…there were also 401 applications filed by the Houston-based Cosmos Foundation for a state-wide cluster of Turkish-sponsored charter schools, a Gülen organization…These H-1B hirings were taking place just as school systems across the country were preparing to lay off tens of thousands of public school teachers…” (CIS -- Center for Immigration Studies -- April 2011;


“Harmony Charter Schools: Gaming the System?”

Introduction by Donna Garner


Dr. Ed Fuller’s study shows that Texas’ Harmony Charter Schools have an exceedingly high disappearance rate of low-performing students.  Dr. Fuller says this definitely is “one way to increase the overall average performance and obtain higher accountability ratings than otherwise would have been obtained.”  

Harmony Charter Schools may well be gaming the system.  Also, are there any Texas Education Agency TAKS, ACT, or SAT monitors who unexpectedly drop in to observe the test security of these Harmony Charter Schools to make sure that they are not cheating on their test scores?  Regular public schools in Texas are monitored for TAKS test security. -- Donna Garner]



A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues


Examining K-12 and higher ed issues across the country by Dr. Ed Fuller

Teaser on Charter School Report

Posted on April 9, 2011 by Dr. Ed Fuller


Re:  FBI Investigation of Gulen Schools (a.k.a., Harmony Science Academies in Texas) -- 3.23.11  


Here is a YouTube (Parts 1 and 2) by a TV news station in Pennsylvania that tells of the FBI investigation of the Gulen schools in Pennsylvania and across the country: 


If you have pertinent information or have observed anything suspicious about the Gulen schools in Texas (a.k.a., Harmony Science Academies), here is the phone number for the Dallas FBI office (972-559-5000).  When you call, ask to be directed to “Intake.”  I verified this contact information this morning.  


At the bottom of this e-mail, I have posted some recent articles on the Gulen Movement and also information about Turkey and why it is so important for the United States to maintain a definite presence there. -- Donna Garner



3.22.11 --



Young Scholars charter school faces scrutiny over ties with Islamic leader



 Other recent articles on the Gulen Movement and its harmful influence both in Turkey and in the United States:


3.14.11 -- Education or Indoctrination? By Gadi Adelman:


3.21.11 -- Newly released Wikileaks documents show increased concern among U.S. officials of the Gulen Movement by Dr. Paul L. Williams:



3.10.11 --  U.S. charter-school network with Turkish link draws federal attention

by Martha Woodall and Claudio Gatti -- Philly News:




For Your Information -- Why America needs to maintain good relations with Turkey --


We have two key permanent bases in the Middle East.  Incirlik, Turkey, and Riyad, Saudi Arabia. These are strategic installations.  For reference, Incirlik was the home base for all U-2 flights over Russia before satellites.  Riyad was the staging point for both Iraqi Wars. Both bases are essential in the Middle East.

Incirlik Air Base (Turkish: İncirlik Hava Üssü) (ICAO: LTAG) is located in İncirlik, five miles east[1] of Adana, Turkey's fifth largest city, and 56 kilometres (35 mi) from the Mediterranean Sea. The U.S. Air Force and the Turkish Air Force are the primary users of the base.

Incirlik is the home of the 10th Air Wing (Ana Jet Üs or AJÜ) of the 2nd Air Force Command (Hava Kuvvet Komutanlığı) of the Turkish Air Force (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri). Other wings of this command are located in Merzifon (LTAP), Malatya/Erhaç (LTAT) and Diyarbakır (LTCC).[2]

Incirlik has a United States Air Force (U.S.A.F.) complement of about 5,000 airmen, with several hundred British and Turkish Air Force airmen also present (-late 2002). The primary unit stationed here is the 39th Air Base Wing (39 ABW) of the U.S.A.F.

Incirlik has one 3048 meter-long main runway [1] and one 2740 meter-long secondary runway, both located among about 57 hardened aircraft shelters.



4.30.11 -- “Is Gulen in Bed with Politicians and the CIA?” -- -- Dr. Aland Mizell


Excerpts from this article:


Gulen teaches that hearts are created as safes for keeping secrets. Intelligence is their lock; will power is their key. No one can break into the safe and steal its valuables if the lock or keys are not faulty. He urges his followers to bear in mind that those who carry others' secrets to you might bear yours to others. Further, he cautions them not to give such tactless people any chance to learn even the smallest details of your private concerns. A secret is a power only as long as it stays with its owner but is a weapon that may be used against its owner if it passes into the hands of others.


Developing his point, Gulen explains, “This is the meaning of one of our traditional sayings: ‘The secret is your slave but you become its slave if you disclose it.’” The details of many important affairs can be protected only if they are kept secret.


Often enough when the involved parties do not keep certain matters secret no progress is achieved. In addition, serious risks might confront those who are involved particularly if the matter concerns delicate issues of national life and its continuation. This doctrine admonishes them, “Explain what you must but never give away all of your secrets. Those who freely publicize the secrets of their hearts drag themselves and their nation toward an inevitable downfall. If a state cannot protect its secrets from its enemies it cannot develop. If an army reveals its strategy to its antagonists it cannot attain victory. If key workers are won over by the competitors their employers cannot succeed.” Secrecy undergirds Gulen’s life and movement…


What Gulenists want is total power and one-man rule; they want a status so that none could dare to object to them or to their leader, because they sincerely believe that Allah has chosen them to disseminate their brand of Turkish Islam to the world, and therefore that everything they do is right and without mistakes. That is why the best weapon for a dictator’s regime is secrecy, but the best weapon for a real democracy is openness and transparency, is it not? How democratic, open, and transparent are the Gulenists?


…Why would the Gulenists deny their relation to the CIA? The truth seems to be optional for Gulenists. According to Gulen’s teachings, his followers have an obligation to know the truth but that truth cannot be revealed anywhere anytime, because if the time is not right, they cannot tell the truth.  For example, the strategy of denial is fabricated to appear that they are not part of any movement or community if any charge against them appears in the news…Rather, they are to work patiently and silently until all the institutions are in order to seize power. Timing about when and how to reveal their true goal is very crucial for the Gulenists. Gulenists are experts on how to buy and use persons for their interest.





Donna Garner






Texas Senate Unknowingly Honors Most Dangerous Islamist Imam, Fethullah Gulen and Taxpayers are Funding His Madrassahs(Charter Schools)

Interview with Donna Garner, former teacher now very busy activist shares with us troubling news of what is going on right under our noses.  Incredible how lack of knowledge of our leaders will jeopardize their nation.  Will they learn and will they correct their mistake?  I guess it depends on what matters most to them --the nation or their own pride?

Get a glimpse at the enemy within and get to know him now and inform your Congress before it is too late.

"His schools indoctrinate children in the tenets of radical Islam and prepare adolescents for the Islamization of the world...

One of these charter schools (madrassahs)- - Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TiZA) in Minnesota - - is so radically Islamic and subversive in nature that the Minnesota Department of Education issued two citations against it and the American Civil Liberties Union is suing it...

This individual has amassed a fortune - - over $30 billion - - for the creation of a universal caliphate." You must read entire article--see link.

The Texas Senate who honored this dangerous Imam should be contacted and those in Washington reminded that we can not afford the same mistake of allowing the enemy within to destroy us through what some may say as "lack of knowledge", some may say as "political correctness"--whatever--it is --it is foolishness to ignore the truth.