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Why is America At War

Cross in the ashes of the WTC

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The Powerful Story on the Twins
Lifting Each Other in Prayer with Ms. Margaret
Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

See Prayer List



Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

Truths To Share As Freedom Isn't Free

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Join with us in prayer (National Prayer List)


Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in John Bernard (7)


Help Honor Our Heroes by Remembering On Memorial Week-end and Always....And Pray then Act...

Here are audio links to help you remember:

Audio Link--Hear our Memorial Tribute with John Bernard who lost his son KIA in Afghanistan in 2009 as he urges the citizens to become involved as freedom isn't free and vote with wisdom and knowledge.  He also dares to ask the church why don't they know?  The church should be very much involved and concerned with matters of government and policies after all it costs him and many in this nation dearly.

Audio Link--Hear about the Hope a Helpless Soldier found that made all the difference.  Hope all soldiers hear this.  Half of the program is about a queen who risked it all

Audio Link--Hear about stories of the past such as about George Washington.

Audio Link--Michael Behenna--Defend Him As He Unselfishly Defended You

Hear a story that you can help give a happy ending for him and others like him who give their very best so we can live in the land of the free.  Share it and act by demanding Congress allow the truth to be heard that will set this soldier and his family free.  This is a great American family story that deserves a great ending.  Their sacrifice for you and me warrants prayers and action as the injustice can not be tolerated by true patriotic and grateful Americans.


War On Terror With Jared Loughner, Daniel and Mariane Pearl, Angelina Jolie and A Mighty Heart-- Who Wins? Who Knows

For He Has Not Given Us A Spirit of Fear But of Power, Love and A Sound Mind (2 Timothy 1:7)

The latest incident to strike terror in the hearts of many, the shootings of Jared Loughner, is another example of a very disturbed, angry individual filled with evil intent and who want others to feel pain through destruction and mayhem.  There are many like him in this world, many which doesn't make it on the news. 

I heard of one mother a long time ago, recalling how her sweet kind son was walking by the River Thames in England and was killed for a pitiful amount.  But in retrospect, she said evil was everywhere and it was lurking there in the thief who robbed her son of his life for a few measly sum of money.  See, that is what evil does-- it kills, steals and destroys.

Terrorism is another tool of evil and it strikes fear to millions around the world.  After watching the movie "A Mighty Heart" about Mariane Pearl (portrayed by Angelina Jolie) and Daniel Pearl which was very painful,  you saw hope alive in their child named Adam.  What a fitting name for this child of the future--given the name of the first man that God made.  Wouldn't it be awesome if mankind would learn from his past and realize without God's own Son in his heart--true peace would be impossible?

It is ironic that those who killed Daniel Pearl sought to destroy and strike fear but in reality they unleashed light in this dark world as one can see in the many affected--his wife, Mariane and even a celebrity such as Angelina Jolie.  It's a story many of these evil ones re-create throughout history--in their attempt to change history and win.  Again another Daniel, a Jew, showed the light of truth for so many and left a legacy of hope for us all.

And in this world full of terror--the question of who wins is really simple--it's the ones who know...There is a great tool for good throughout this world in the Holy Scriptures that lends witness to the only One who can bring peace.  And how amazing that God has made it available for many the world over.

One of our guest on City On A Hill Radio Show, John Bernard, who lost his only son-- Lance Cpl Joshua Bernard-- knows. And he gives insight on where help comes from in his latest blog "Prophetic Fairy Tales or Inconvenient Corroboration":

"Many in this country are heading for a cross road; a place where a decision will have to be made. On the one hand, there has been a stubborn if not self-destructive resistance to Biblical teaching and an almost zealous effort to expunge all written commentary, history and remnant of Biblical teaching from the national psyche. After all; academia has succeeded in convincing the majority of the population that the very phrase 'separation of church and state' exists in the writings of the US Constitution…It doesn't.

On the other hand, those of us who are looking, see an ever mounting pile of evidence to suggest that much of what was spoken of in the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, Matthew and Revelation may be closer to coming to fruition than at any point in human history."

--There is much wisdom from what John Bernard says.  He knows from experience the pain of losing someone, his most precious son but he also knows-- he and Joshua wins.  Study the Holy Scriptures for yourself and see who wins forever.


Hosea 6:3

Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD

 John 4:21-26

 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.


Our Radio Show Guests for December--Please share their podcast with your friends and family

Link To Audio Podcasts

Dec 1st Wed--Dan Fraley helps us look at the Jewish Festival of Hanukkah

Dec. 2nd Thurs-- Hear our Jewish friend Luden talk about what is going on in Israel.  Also hear about ministering to the poor and indigent with Harold Bannin who has given his life to doing just that

Dec. 3rd Fri--Hear an interview with Dawn Wildman with a Tea Party perspective on the lame-duck session.

Dec. 6th Mon--Hear two historians Barbara Moore and Wayne Wood take a look at America today.

Dec 7th Tues- Hear an update from John Bernard on the war on terror and perspective on Islam.

Dec 8th Wed--Hear interview with our Jewish friend Luden on what is going on in Israel this week.

Dec. 9th Thurs--Hear an interview with Singer-Songwriter Loree Brownfield about faith and music and a great awakening.

Dec 10th Fri--Hear an interview with Candi Cushman (Focus on the Family) and Betty Peters (Alabama State Board of Education) on the anti-bullying law and safe schools czar Kevin Jennings.

Dec 13th Mon--Hear a conversation between our two history co-hosts Barbar Moore and Wayne Wood

Dec. 14th Tues--Interview with Dr. Shayesteh ( , a former Iranian who shines the light on truth on the clash of cultures we see today. 

Dec. 15th Wed--Interview with Judge Roy Moore of the Foundation For Moral Law, Rev. Cary Gordon (leader of Iowa Pastors who took a stand against the Iowa Supreme Court Judges), Pastor Tom Anderson and Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear.  Pastors led to a great change in America and the world--when they preach truths that sets men free. 

Dec 16th--A look at DADT and its implications for the future of this nation.

Dec 17th Fri--Hear an interview with Nick Lamatrice of  as he follows Jesus way of teaching men how to fish--this time with coffee.  What a great God idea that churches need to see for such a time as this.


Dec 20th Mon--Hear an interview with singer-songwriter Loree Brownfield on her latest CD.

Dec 21st Tues- Hear an update from John Bernard on the war on terror and perspective on Islam.

Dec 22nd Wed-Hear an interview with our good friend Annette Griswold as she shares with us Christmas thoughts.

Dec 27th--Interview with Mr. Dan Parker of CI Agents Solutions who was part of the oil spill clean-up in the Gulf. Get his interesting perspective on the oil spill and where we are after that incident.

Dec 28th--Hear a story of Johnny Crews who was so moved by Christmas that he wrote a song for it. His story is one of many about this special time of the year that affects us all over this world in incredible ways. What an awesome God we serve and it is hard to comprehend the amazing reach of His love that it changes man for eternity. Hear the inspiration for the song It's Finally Christmas.

Dec 29th--Interview about the work ahead for good education in 2011 with Mrs. Betty Peters member of a State Board of Education.

Dec 31st Fri--Interview with Mr. Dan Fraley about Jewish Roots and how to look at our world through biblical eyes. It is time as the Savior's coming draws near. He reminds us throughout history--be ready.


The Military--Where Does The Warrior's Help Come From

Hear an update from John Bernard on the war on terror. We can not appreciate our military families enough and his family is one who gave their best and so should all of us. There is no excuse for not being informed--we owe it as part of our duty as co-laborers in the fight to keep this nation truly free from tyranny.  Pastor Matt Smith of Barabbas Road Church joins him as they help the warrior with the battles they and their families face.  Men of valor throughout history had to face to find the truth to survive---so can you.  Hear some moving perspectives that gives hope to mankind and unites people like Mosab Hassan Yousef (son of a Hamas founder) with the Joshua Bernards of this world.  Click on picture to hear interview.  Go to podsite link on right if you wish to pass it on to friends with smartphones and there is an app for this on itunes.


What Does All Of America's Problems Have In Common

City On A Hill Radio Show is now on Mon-Friday and unlike the old format--things are happening so fast it is almost a blur.  I regret that I have not written about each of my guests as I would have liked to.  God in his grace has given all of us a chance to share in each other's lives--sometimes it is with joy but many times it is with pain.  The news is full information I would rather not hear but hiding my head in the sand is no solution (for me and I daresay not for you either.)  It is a responsibility to know the true news so that right decisions and actions can be made.  You and I have heard it said that unfortunately there maybe nothing we can do because the media will not let the truth come out.   I believe in today's world each of us can be part of that truth media. We of City On A Hill Radio Show will strive to do our part.  And we invite you to listen and share the podcasts with your friends and family.  

I remember a story about a snowflake and how a single one on a branch doesn't make a difference but when other snowflakes fall--the weight of all those snowflakes can break a tree branch.  I believe we have a chance to break through the tyranny of today's mainstream media as each one of us together armed with knowledge--matters greatly-- in diverting the path America is taking.  Insanity was a word used by John Bernard regarding today's rules of engagement.  Fraud was a word used by Dr. Edward Boudreaux, a scientist speaking on C02 emmissions and global warming.

Indeed it is a world turned upside down where right is wrong and wrong is right.  But it is good to remember that all of America's problems and ours have something in common as part of the solution.  Just as Benjamin Franklin said:

In the beginning of the Contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the divine protection.- Our prayers, Sir, were heard, graciously answered....

We can do the same!!  So let's not get too depressed America instead let us remember to start with daily prayers and hopefully our prayers too--will be graciously answered.


John Bernard's Letter re: Revised Rules of Engagement

07/23/09 1056


I want to thank you for answering my letter to you in July concerning the new ROE in Afghanistan. I believe you either misunderstood the purpose of the letter or focused on the wrong item. While I believe the selection of General McChrystal was politically motivated, my actual concern is how this has affected our Warriors in Afghanistan. Let me reiterate:

Gen McChrystal established a new ROE (Rules of Engagement) upon his first visit to Afghanistan 2 months ago. This ROE requires all American Warriors to ‘break engagement with the enemy’ under the following conditions:

There are civilians in the area

You believe there may be civilians in the area

You cannot ascertain beyond a doubt that there may be civilians in the area.

The result of this new ROE is that our Marines and Soldiers are forced to ‘refuse the chase’ for fear of violating the new rules. This in turn is emboldening an enemy that has already showed a proclivity toward wanton murder of civilians and setting IED’s for patrolling Marines. While this ROE is suppose to spare civilian lives, it is

actually costing more civilians their lives and placing our Warriors at unreasonable risk.

In addition; NOW ZAD, Helmand Province is being patrolled by one, lone, Marine Corps Company with little to no support. That area of operation would normally require as much as a Regiment to cover correctly. The result is Marines patrolling, day and night, over ground with newly laid IED’s. Marines are being blown to bits without the ability to ‘bring the fight to the enemy’.

As a retired United States Marine, I and my fellow Marines understand the dangers inherent in the mission. Placing Warriors in a place where they cannot employ those skills they bring to the battlefield or even defend themselves is immoral at best.

My request is that you have a Staffer review this issue, update you and that you bring it up with your colleagues. I find it difficult to believe that members of Congress and the Senate would knowingly place the lives of American Warriors in a place where casualties will certainly increase (and they are increasing) with little or no change in the conditions they were sent there to deal with.


I have taken the time to include the original letter for you or a Staffer to more closely inspect. Please check the imbedded links to Intelligence sites. They are illuminating.


John Bernard

1stSgt USMC Ret.
















Congressman Mike Michaud

1724 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515-1902

Dear Sir;

I am writing to you today as an American citizen, 26 year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, committed Christian, Husband, Father of two and a businessman. I am also writing to you as the Father of a Marine who is, as all of his brothers in arms are, in harms way. That by itself is not a cause for concern for me because as a Warrior I understand two things:(1) it is the very nature of the calling to which we have been called that we will be thrust into dangerous, even life threatening situations to fight the enemies of our country and (2) that there could not possibly be a safer place to be than in the company of fellow Marines. In any case, that is the nature of the business and those who serve in this capacity have long since dealt with the realities of life in uniform.

There are, however, certain expectations, an unspoken trust within the ranks of those of us who serve and have served in this capacity. One of those is that we have a belief that as Americans, our leadership will not frivolously spend our blood on unworthy pursuit. To those of us who serve, let me be very clear to those of you who hold our lives in your hands; this means that the reason we may die can ultimately be defined as protecting homeland, family and fellow American lives (spelled US citizens). We also assume we will not be used as pawns in some personal vendetta or worse some career building scheme; that we will not be asked to spill our blood in a foreign land to defend the indefensible. We expect we will be able to do that for which we were trained; export violence with ferocity and drive our enemies to their knees with the ultimate goal of ending the conflict by forcing them to do our will. Such are the dreams and aspirations of the Warrior. Men like this seek to serve side by side with like-minded men prepared to meet their destiny on the field of battle; living a life of honor while testing personal courage in the forge of combat. Our nations Warriors have no other expectations, no visions of grandeur, no careers to bolster, no kingdoms to lord over, no sovereignty to subvert. These men just seek to serve their country.

Now that you have ever so basic an understanding of the intrinsic nature of the Warrior; I hope to encourage you to show them at least the dignity of thoughtful and painstaking decision-making when considering when and where to thrust them into the fires of hell. My demand is that you emphatically understand that this decision will have eternal consequences for the men involved and their families. I also expect this decision to be for the simple reason of defense of country and countrymen (again spelled United States Citizens).

If any part of you still understands that you were sent to Washington DC for the sole purpose of defending these shores and to defend the ‘life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’ of the citizens of this nation; and if you still believe you are first a servant of all, then you yet may possess the ability to understand the immorality of what I am about to share with you and the necessity to change this policy NOW.

President Obama has seen fit to replace the sitting ISAF commander with a General McChrystal (see Bio at Suffice it to say that Gen McChrystal’s understanding of the Warrior ethos is somewhat askew from the mainstream. Also let us cut to the chase and identify him more as a political mouthpiece than a field commander. Add to this the dubious addition of General James L. Jones (see bio at, who unlike McChrystal has actual combat experience but still shares the same ultimate goals and one world vision as both McChrystal and Obama. What you have here is an unholy trinity injecting their shared philosophy of ‘spare the civilians at all cost’ – even though those civilians are not US citizens and are in fact complicit in their own misfortune. The new ROE presented by McChrystal and under which operation Khanjar was mounted is nothing less than disgraceful, immoral and fatal for our Marines, Sailors and Soldiers on the ground. The Marines and Soldiers that are ‘holding’ territories of dubious worth like Now Zad and Golestan without reinforcement, denial of fire-support and refusal to allow them to hunt and kill the very enemy we are there to confront are nothing more than sitting ducks. Denying them even the ability to fight, which is their only purpose for existing, to defend themselves in a foreign land that sees them first as agents of the devil is detestable to the secular world and immoral to the rest of us. And for those of us with ‘vested interests’ thrust into that foreign land; it angers us. The links I have provided will give you some indication of the insanity of the current situation and the suicidal position this administration has placed these Warriors in. I admonish this administration and all those currently in public office whom we have entrusted with our security, well-being and the very lives and well-being of the best of us, our Warriors to start acting like you actually care or even understand the consequences of ludicrous decisions like this one. I then hold you responsible to actively seek to change this immoral policy to one that allows our Warriors the opportunity to do what they were trained to do; destroy our enemies and protect our citizenry.


To those who would suggest that COIN (counter insurgency) is complicated I say hog-wash. This has become the mantra of the one-world ideologues. This has become complicated because leadership has lost its way. It is not the responsibility of the leaders (servants) of this country to re-build a country that has not been destroyed by us nor does the leadership of this country have any intrinsic right to spill the blood of this country’s finest for this cause. I’ll lay it out for you; bad guys entered this country, unannounced and unwelcome and killed Americans on American soil. Bad guys continue to harass and threaten to kill Americans here at home and abroad. Bad guys continue to train in foreign lands and continue to plan to carry out these plans against sovereign American citizens. They have no rights or guarantee of protection under the Constitution of the United States because they are not United States citizens. They are not protected by the Geneva Convention because they don’t fight under any Nation’s Flag. We however, have the right – and responsibility, with historical and Biblical precedent to export violence to crush these Bad guys, wherever they may live and in whatever lair they may hide

For those of us who have served in uniform and for those of us who have family forced to serve under these immoral conditions the time to quietly observe and pray has ended. There is a new activist emerging; not like the cannabis induced flailing of the sixties and seventies but one with the discipline, training and tenacity of a Warrior. Those of us who have a history in this Warrior culture and a vested interest on the battlefield will be a lot more vocal from this point on. Those in this culture who do not yet know about this immoral ROE change will soon all know as well as the families of those who are imperiled by it. Those who have actively supported this policy of immorality or are not engaged enough to know of it; they will be re-introduced to your constituencies for their failings. Public service is precisely what it portends to be; service. If there are those among your number who have failed to remember that I can promise you we will make that known within our spheres of influence.

This letter is making its way through the halls of every national news agency as well as the local ones in Maine, as you read this. I have contacted your office by phone, e-mail and now letter to give you a chance to get out in front of it. Consider this a wake-up call.

John J. Bernard

1stSgt USMC ret

07/09/2009 08:01relentlessly! If the civilian populations in those areas lack the intestinal fortitude to expel them from their midst or they quietly support them or they actively support them; they are not innocent and may well suffer ill consequences for their cowardice and their complicities.


Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard--"Holy Man"--Life Short But Well Lived

Please tune in 10-17-09 and listen online to a program on this issue.  We need more people aware of this issue so please share and get others to tune in and /or listen to the podcast that will be available on this issue dealing with the revised rules of engagement that are tying the hand of our soldiers.


It's always sad to read about the death of any soldier like the one of Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard who lost his life on Aug. 14th in an ambush in Afghanistan.  But I don't remember reading about one so young (21 yrs old) yet described as a "Holy Man" by his fellow soldiers.

George Washington said "While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian."  Indeed Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard bore that character. 

I asked the Lord for a word today after I had read his story in the Sunday paper and when I opened my Bible it opened to 2Cor Chapter 5

Verse 1 says "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

That was an awesome scripture for all of who believes in Jesus Christ.  Joshua believed and without a doubt he is glad he knew his Savior.  He probably wants all his friends to come to know the Savior he knew so well that gave him a servant's heart after all that's the greatest tribute to our Lord and that is to be like Jesus.  He was the greatest servant of all. 

Joshua saw it was his duty to serve God and country.  I am sure the seeds he planted in the lives of the men he was around will someday sprout and they too maybe called "Holy Man"--what an awesome thing that would be.  Joshua I am sure would like that.

He was described as humble, unassuming and shy yet in contrast he was also the point man for his team and he was known for his determination to get the job done.  2Cor 5:11 talks about the fear or "awe" of God.  The fear or awe of God gives Christians uncommon courage in face of life's troubles as it did Paul of Tarsus and I believe Joshua had this also from what his fellow soldiers described. 

Let us remember to pray for his family also as they continue the fight.  His father, John Bernard,  had sent (weeks before his son's death) a letter to lawmaker.  This was in regard to a recently revised rules of engagement that state troops, can fire at an area if they are receiving fire and are in imminent danger, but if it's possible for them to move away from the area, they are to do so. 

He states "our troops are nothing more than sitting ducks."  What a way to fight is that?  Joshua's father feels this attributed to his son's death.   John Bernard said "they're being fired upon and being told they can't fire back in fear of hitting civilians, which means Marines can die and ultimately can't protect civilians because they can't fire at the bad guys. "

"It's not that they want to go out and kill women and children, but they can't fight like this."

Joshua's father has demanded change so no more troops are in unnecessary danger.  They are fighting a war and they can't do it with their hands tied which is basically what seems to be happening more and more. 

Let's honor the memory of his son by contacting our Congress in support.  Call 202-224-3121.  There are many concerns about our economy to call Congress on --but this is also of high importance.  Our brave men and women deserves us to also fight for them.  It's the least we can do.  After all they give their lives for us.  Thank you Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard for a life well lived serving God and country.  Hope we can do the same. 


Here is an example of the problem our soldiers are dealing with:

Let’s briefly revisit the ROE.  We have discussed the standing rules of engagement, the theater-specific rules of engagement for Iraq, and even the rules on the use of force.  Our problems with the existing ROE and RUF are legendary, and include the insurmountable initial problem that they are constructed around defensive operations and personal and unit self defense and include no discussion or guidance for offensive operations.  This is why General Kearney wanted to charge two Army snipers with murder for targeting a Taliban commander who didn’t happen to be holding a weapon.

Insurgents learn to game the system, as this event shows in Ramadi, Iraq, as reported by David Danelo.

The vehicle commander, Corporal Ronnie Davis, is in front of me holding a pair of binos.  Three other Marines peer down a street where Mujahideen have been firing at us from multi-story buildings scarred by gunfire and explosions.  While we exchange fire with the Muj, other observation assets available to 1 st Battalion, 6th Marines are mapping enemy positions for future operations.

“That’s the same two guys.  They’ve crossed back and forth four times,” Corporal Davis announces, referring to a pair of unarmed Iraqis who have run for cover.  Because these men are unarmed, the Americans under the Rules of Engagement are not allowed to shoot at them—even though gunfire is coming at us from that direction.

Get the picture?  The insurgents had emplaced weapons, fired them, dropped them, run to the next station and picked up another weapon, fired, and were repeating the process as long as they wanted.  The Marines couldn’t return fire because they never saw the insurgents run across the street holding a weapon.  Go to site with this info

City On A Hill Radio Show will be doing an interview with a lawmaker on this issue as our brave men and women needs all of us to fight for them too.