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Why is America At War

Cross in the ashes of the WTC

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The Powerful Story on the Twins
Lifting Each Other in Prayer with Ms. Margaret
Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

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Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

Truths To Share As Freedom Isn't Free

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in iraq (6)


Help Honor Our Heroes by Remembering On Memorial Week-end and Always....And Pray then Act...

Here are audio links to help you remember:

Audio Link--Hear our Memorial Tribute with John Bernard who lost his son KIA in Afghanistan in 2009 as he urges the citizens to become involved as freedom isn't free and vote with wisdom and knowledge.  He also dares to ask the church why don't they know?  The church should be very much involved and concerned with matters of government and policies after all it costs him and many in this nation dearly.

Audio Link--Hear about the Hope a Helpless Soldier found that made all the difference.  Hope all soldiers hear this.  Half of the program is about a queen who risked it all

Audio Link--Hear about stories of the past such as about George Washington.

Audio Link--Michael Behenna--Defend Him As He Unselfishly Defended You

Hear a story that you can help give a happy ending for him and others like him who give their very best so we can live in the land of the free.  Share it and act by demanding Congress allow the truth to be heard that will set this soldier and his family free.  This is a great American family story that deserves a great ending.  Their sacrifice for you and me warrants prayers and action as the injustice can not be tolerated by true patriotic and grateful Americans.


Wikileaks--when Julian Assange and Bradley Manning leaks hate

Who is Julian Assange and Bradley Manning that have put it upon themselves to put secret war documents for the world to peruse?  Why did they do it?  Bradley Manning a young man dejected from a failed homosexual relationship decides to turn on his country and leak information he was entrusted with.   At a time when this obama administration thinks homosexuals should have an open door in the military.  This was certainly not a good foreboding of such a decision.

Julian Assange, who at this time sees this move as of prime importance, seems to have forgotten that he is but a man and assurance of no repercussions on the people that were in his leaked documents is worth nothing more than the paper it is on.

These two made strange bed-fellows in the supposed aim of fighting for truth.  Some day they can look back at this move on the great stage of world news and probably find the same thing King Solomon did--it is all vanity.  There is nothing new under the sun--even now Iragis are not surprised at the news.

All is not fair in war and everything is certainly not cut and dry.  Hindsight is better than foresight and Julian Assange is a like an armchair quarterback but in fact this is not a game--there is a war out there and which side he is truly helping--I don't even think he truly knows.

Divulging secret files is something he won't be stopping at soon. "We make a promise to our sources, who go through incredible risks sometimes to get us material, that we'll do justice to their efforts and get them the maximum political impact possible," he said.

It's sad when he can't see that he, Julian Assange, is also a pawn in the world stage of hate and in this case his prime source, Bradley Manning leaked for anger's sake.  Who will scrape up the lives his wikileaks will open the way for murder...but then he promised that won't happen--I guess he forgot he is just a man.


All things we do have a reason.  Julian's anger which is probably the driving force (and it certainly was for Bradley Manning) at a world, or nation or people that disappoints, will hopefully someday subside.  As his anger has great weight when the enemy can use it for their gain.

Matthew 5:21-22  You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.'  But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment


Climate Change and USGS Report on Oil In USA--Energy Costs Rise For A Man-made Hoax

According to our own US Geological Survey Reports--there is plenty of oil inside the good 'ole USA (see links at the bottom.) 



In one of the USGS reports



"For the first time in 20 years, we have an updated assessment of in-place oil shale in the Piceance Basin of Colorado," said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. "The USGS scientific report shows significant quantities of oil locked up in the shale rocks of the Piceance Basin. I believe it demonstrates the need for our continued research and development efforts."  It has about 1.525 trillion barrels of in-place oil shale resources.

In another USGS report:



"It is clear that the Bakken formation contains a significant amount of oil - the question is how much of that oil is recoverable using today's technology?" said Senator Byron Dorgan, of North Dakota. "To get an answer to this important question, I requested that the U.S. Geological Survey complete this study, which will provide an up-to-date estimate on the amount of technically recoverable oil resources in the Bakken Shale formation."  They estimate 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil.


According to a 2-26-10 report by Hal Lindsey and which you can research yourself with reports from our own government (USGS) he states:


We have 8 times more than all the oil in Saudi Arabia



 We have 18 times more than Iraq


 We have 22 times more than Iran reserves


 We have 500 times more oil than Yemen


He states there is enough oil for american energy independence to be assured for 200 years or more.  That certainly can be enough time for us to find alternative sources of energy without bankrupting the country.  The reports from our own USGS are astounding to say the least.


In the Piceanse Basin of Colorado-nahcolite is embedded with oil shale in many places.  They are afraid it will produce great amounts of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide when heated in oil shale processing (oil shale rock must be heated to great temperatures, 530 to 930 degrees Fahrenheit as oil shale does not contain crude oil but contains kerogen, which is an organic precursor to oil and must be heated for oil production.)  There lies the global warming scare that puts a damper on trying to obtain or make available this resource.



In our interviews with Dr. Edward Boudreux-- who received PhD from Tulane University in 1962,  MS from Tulane University in 1958 and BS from Loyola University in 1956-- Dr. Boudreaux was a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Physics for 29 years at the University of New Orleans and retired Prof. Emeritus in 1991 it is very clear that there is an agenda promoting this climate-change or global warming scenario.  The greenhouse effect we have heard of that is happening is according to true scientists--a lie.


The promotion of it by Obama and  his administration (now the EPA)  has been at an all-time fever pitch and had it  not been for the exposure by climate-gate, the whole world would still be enslaved by these global warming promoters.  But the truth is coming out and interviews with great scientists such as Dr. Edward Boudreaux must be heard by all.  It is incredible the audacity of these liars and of course they do it out of greed and also make themselves as the saviors of the world.  But the climate-gate e-mails has opened the door so wide and they can no longer shut out the truth.  But try and try they will for the money they have invested is so great.

One of the things they can not discount, among many, is the fact about the warm weather during the medieval times when there were no automobiles or other equipment in place (that supposedly cause global warming).  But thank God the American people and others like the Australians are now questiong climate change and global warming.  Hopefully more and more will know for themselves that come election the global mindset for greening the earth at the cost of enslaving the masses for a lie will be stopped.  This is still the land of the free, they forget tyranny was kicked out of this country a long time ago.  Hard-working men and women and those who have worked hard and now lives on set income have something in common--that little bill that comes every month affects us all-black, white, red, yellow and whoever increases it for a lie will face our wrath.








Link to USGS Reports: 1     2


Audio Link to interview with Dr. Boudreaux

Interesting Video--even a child could understand

 Very thoughtful assessments on climate-gate



















Video of Moslem Saying The Message of Ft. Hood Shooter


The Lord gave me this passage on Sat. 10-3-09--it is very encouraging for He is with us and is something to remember in these times--


Jeremiah 50:34--Yet their Redeemer is strong;
       the LORD Almighty is his name.
       He will vigorously defend their cause 
       so that he may bring rest to their land...


We do have to pray for these who live in darkness





From the video:"...The message that should be taken from yesterday in Ft. Hood where 12 American soldiers were killed-this war that America begged for, they instigated and they started will not be simply fought in Moslem soil, Moslem lands-.....-this war will be fought on American soil....this is what the attacker wanted you to understand..."

  More to read and please pray over these things also:

Fight for your right while this is still your country:  "This is not my opinion; federal law enforcement confirms there exists a network of wealthy Islamic organizations within the U.S. dedicated to supporting terrorist groups and subverting our constitutional government."  Read this other WND article also.

On 9/11 they came in large planes--this time around they think they have found a better way.  Americans can't afford to be asleep on this issue.  We know not all  mean us harm but neither can we deny that those that do are very devout and very determined to use any weapons they can and even their very own family is not safe.  

The story of Rifqa Bary (link to report from former FBI on flawed report) a former Moslem who knows the truth and the repercussions that can come even from her own family needs to also be held by us in prayer. Due to political correctness her life now hangs in the balance.  Hear one of our podcast of an interview with a missionary who says honor killing is commonplace and yet we doubt Rifqa's fears. This is another warning--can we really afford to look the other way when signs are there?  Some people did in the case of Maj Hasan, and the price was paid with so many lives whose breath and dreams have been taken away because of the power of "one" sincerely wrong.  To their children, their mothers and fathers, their spouses, their best friends, their families and many in this nation-- those that died were very important people.   It is easy for some to overlook this but to many citizens of this great nation and those whose grief and pain we can only imagine--they wish someone had not looked the other way.

I pray for supernatural wisdom and discernment for our leaders and as in the days of the Foundation of this nation--I pray for boldness to seek the truth for all of us.  The problems were great too at that time and was insurmountable.  As I heard it said--a betting man would not have bet on US but because we serve Jehovah-God what is impossible with men is possible with Him.  He blessed America then--supernaturally--so don't forget to pray as well as act.  Thank you


Is America's leaders in delusion--when the enemy is set free and a soldier can no longer defend!

Excerpt from John Bernard --please go to his website

We as a nation have allowed a sickness to creep in called a lie. This lie has been propagated in the school systems through the use of revised history. The lie is pervasive and essentially paints the United States and its citizenry as incredibly evil people who have impressed their evil on the innocent peoples of other nations. The result of decades of this kind of indoctrination is a self-loathing. It is not unusual for someone to seek redemption once they discover their sin and elements within the United States have spent their lives trying to ‘make up’ for the sins of the past. This week’s example of this was the release of Laith al-Khazali in Iraq. He is not a soldier, nor an elected representative of his people. He does not expound on the virtue of peace nor has he developed a vaccine for cancer. He is a murderer. He listened to and believed a lie and that lie grew into something insidious and he acted on it and because of that at least 5 American Soldiers did not return home to their families. In an 'act of reconciliation', the upper echelon of our own military released him back to his family. Match that to the plight of Sgt Larry Hutchins who kidnapped an Iraqi civilian (he suspected of aiding the insurgency in his area of operations) and subsequently shot him in the head. He is spending 15 years in prison for murder. The parole board recommended leniency and a reduction of sentence but earlier this week, Donald Winter – a man with ZERO military experience; a member of the Bush administration and now the Obama, denied him. Reconciliation you say?


Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard--"Holy Man"--Life Short But Well Lived

Please tune in 10-17-09 and listen online to a program on this issue.  We need more people aware of this issue so please share and get others to tune in and /or listen to the podcast that will be available on this issue dealing with the revised rules of engagement that are tying the hand of our soldiers.


It's always sad to read about the death of any soldier like the one of Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard who lost his life on Aug. 14th in an ambush in Afghanistan.  But I don't remember reading about one so young (21 yrs old) yet described as a "Holy Man" by his fellow soldiers.

George Washington said "While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian."  Indeed Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard bore that character. 

I asked the Lord for a word today after I had read his story in the Sunday paper and when I opened my Bible it opened to 2Cor Chapter 5

Verse 1 says "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

That was an awesome scripture for all of who believes in Jesus Christ.  Joshua believed and without a doubt he is glad he knew his Savior.  He probably wants all his friends to come to know the Savior he knew so well that gave him a servant's heart after all that's the greatest tribute to our Lord and that is to be like Jesus.  He was the greatest servant of all. 

Joshua saw it was his duty to serve God and country.  I am sure the seeds he planted in the lives of the men he was around will someday sprout and they too maybe called "Holy Man"--what an awesome thing that would be.  Joshua I am sure would like that.

He was described as humble, unassuming and shy yet in contrast he was also the point man for his team and he was known for his determination to get the job done.  2Cor 5:11 talks about the fear or "awe" of God.  The fear or awe of God gives Christians uncommon courage in face of life's troubles as it did Paul of Tarsus and I believe Joshua had this also from what his fellow soldiers described. 

Let us remember to pray for his family also as they continue the fight.  His father, John Bernard,  had sent (weeks before his son's death) a letter to lawmaker.  This was in regard to a recently revised rules of engagement that state troops, can fire at an area if they are receiving fire and are in imminent danger, but if it's possible for them to move away from the area, they are to do so. 

He states "our troops are nothing more than sitting ducks."  What a way to fight is that?  Joshua's father feels this attributed to his son's death.   John Bernard said "they're being fired upon and being told they can't fire back in fear of hitting civilians, which means Marines can die and ultimately can't protect civilians because they can't fire at the bad guys. "

"It's not that they want to go out and kill women and children, but they can't fight like this."

Joshua's father has demanded change so no more troops are in unnecessary danger.  They are fighting a war and they can't do it with their hands tied which is basically what seems to be happening more and more. 

Let's honor the memory of his son by contacting our Congress in support.  Call 202-224-3121.  There are many concerns about our economy to call Congress on --but this is also of high importance.  Our brave men and women deserves us to also fight for them.  It's the least we can do.  After all they give their lives for us.  Thank you Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard for a life well lived serving God and country.  Hope we can do the same. 


Here is an example of the problem our soldiers are dealing with:

Let’s briefly revisit the ROE.  We have discussed the standing rules of engagement, the theater-specific rules of engagement for Iraq, and even the rules on the use of force.  Our problems with the existing ROE and RUF are legendary, and include the insurmountable initial problem that they are constructed around defensive operations and personal and unit self defense and include no discussion or guidance for offensive operations.  This is why General Kearney wanted to charge two Army snipers with murder for targeting a Taliban commander who didn’t happen to be holding a weapon.

Insurgents learn to game the system, as this event shows in Ramadi, Iraq, as reported by David Danelo.

The vehicle commander, Corporal Ronnie Davis, is in front of me holding a pair of binos.  Three other Marines peer down a street where Mujahideen have been firing at us from multi-story buildings scarred by gunfire and explosions.  While we exchange fire with the Muj, other observation assets available to 1 st Battalion, 6th Marines are mapping enemy positions for future operations.

“That’s the same two guys.  They’ve crossed back and forth four times,” Corporal Davis announces, referring to a pair of unarmed Iraqis who have run for cover.  Because these men are unarmed, the Americans under the Rules of Engagement are not allowed to shoot at them—even though gunfire is coming at us from that direction.

Get the picture?  The insurgents had emplaced weapons, fired them, dropped them, run to the next station and picked up another weapon, fired, and were repeating the process as long as they wanted.  The Marines couldn’t return fire because they never saw the insurgents run across the street holding a weapon.  Go to site with this info

City On A Hill Radio Show will be doing an interview with a lawmaker on this issue as our brave men and women needs all of us to fight for them too.