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Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield

Entries in obama (8)


2.2.12 – Today’s Rasmussen poll – Santorum moving ahead  


 The good thing about Rasmussen and his pollsters is that they poll registered voters – the people who will most likely go into the voting booth and vote for a President.


Today’s most recent poll results are very encouraging for Rick Santorum because even though Rasmussen deliberately skewed the poll results to include more Democrats than Republicans (30% Democrats and only 23% Republicans), the results put Santorum with 26% favorable and only 27% unfavorable.


This proves that Santorum is respected even among the more liberal and/or independent voters. After we get past the primaries, our Republican candidate will need to have broad appeal going into the General Election.


Evidently Rasmussen deliberately set up the poll specifications to be able to weigh the electability factor across party lines, and Santorum came out ahead of any of the other Republican candidates.    


Santorum’s integrity, strong family values, experience, voting record, and outspoken conservatism are quite appealing to a large percentage of Americans who are desperate for a real leader in the White House – someone they can trust and respect.


Results in today’s Rasmussen poll (deliberately skewed to sample more Democrats than Republicans) --


Santorum – 26% (favorable) to 27% (unfavorable) – minus 1

Romney – 31% (favorable) to 36% (unfavorable) – minus 5

Gingrich – 22% (favorable) to 48% (unfavorable) – minus 26

Ron Paul – 26% (favorable) to 32% (unfavorable) – minus 6


Head to head with Obama:


Obama (46%) – Romney (45%) – 1 point

Obama (46%) – Santorum (44%) – 2 points

Obama (49%) – Gingrich (41%) – 8 points

Obama (45%) – Ron Paul (42%)  -- 3 points



2.2.12 – The Weekly Standard – “Rasmussen: Obama Leads Romney by 1, Santorum by 2” --


1.27.12 – “The Last Man Standing” – by Donna Garner


Donna Garner









Rick Santorum and What Really Happened in Iowa The Pundits Are Missing...

It has been a very interesting view to watch unfold what we were told on an interview on Dec 7th would happen in Iowa.  We were told there would be a Rickaboom and that the one that has had to fight for any kind of media coverage--good or bad,would rise to the top.  Indeed the interview with Pastor Cary Gordon of Iowa with the Peacemakers Institute went counter to what was predicted in the mainstream media.  But they can't predict God's Providence.  It happened many times at the beginning of this nation in the fight against tyranny and we are under tyranny again.   Who could have predicted that Newt Gingrich would falter just before the Iowa Caucus? And who was hidden in the wings ready to be lifted up--it was the warrior for life--Rick Santorum.

We have watched Rick Santorum in the past fight for those who can not even vote-the unborn-with passion and with truth at his side and he never flinched.  We have watched Rick Santorum stand beside Arlen Specter and shake our head in wonder.  Many have said he is big government as after all he backed the prescription package but most Americans really do not know that rarely does a program save at a rate of 40% and this is one of those that does--finally something done right by big government (because it let choice in the picture).  That is the finding of Grace Marie Turner, Pres of a health care policy think tank--Galen Institute and she knows!

But many Iowans got a chance to talk to the candidates and Santorum did not shy away from them.  He stood above Romney who wants us to forget Obamacare will destroy our economy and has promoted same-sex marriage -a lifestyle that can kill body and soul.  He also stood out above Ron Paul who with all his talk against big-government will be dangerous for the lives of Americans and Israel with his Iran stance.  Many Iowans saw things that mattered to God matters to them.  So without a lot of money but with a lot of hard work they saw integrity and value in Rick Santorum. The mainstream media tore apart Michelle Bachmann in the early lead along with Rick Perry and Herman Cain and last but not least Newt but Santorum was not in their radar to destroy.

Romney with his money and Ron Paul with his machine should have left a Santorum in the dust but one thing they didn't figure was the hand of God--as truly it is a miracle who the mainstream are looking at now. 

Here is that amazing interview with Pastor Cary Gordon who fought with other Pastors and the Body of Christ rose up and said no more to three out of control Iowa Supreme Court Justices and they made a difference for their state.  Get in tune with God like they did and occupy until God comes--God's ways not man's...Shine the light for He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind! 2nd Tim 1:7



Disasters Looming Ahead As The Enemy Is Within--The Dangers of Common Core Standards, Islam and Their Charter Schools and Politicians Who Only Want To Buy Your Votes --All These With Taxpayer Money In Spite of America's Looming Bankruptcy


Hear interviews about a humongous hurricane of various winding plans which unfortunately steals what used to be a sea of money (now almost dry) desperately needed by the citizenry for various agendas which ultimately will lead to weakening the foundation of America and could possibly destroy it.  Hurricane Irene painted a picture of what weakening the foundation by drops of rain that turns into torrents will do.  It will destroy everything in its path and no one is safe as citizens in Vermont can tell you. Unlike hurricane Irene--you can do something about them--share this and listen daily for more (1:30 PM CENTRAL)

Example in The Path They Have Implemented To Take Away Parental Input or Common Core (National) Standards:

Common Core Standards or what some say as the nationalizing of education is an attack on the constitutional right of parents to oversee their childrens education. 

Wall Street Journal article Nov 23, 2008-- See Mr. Lou Gerstner suggestion to the president elect Obama:

..."I’m going to suggest is that he convene the 50 governors, and the first thing they do is they abolish the 16,000 school districts we have in the United States. Sixteen thousand school districts are what we’re trying to cram this reform through...

Now, the governors could decide, we’ll keep them as advisory, we can keep them as community support, but they will not be involved in the fundamental direction of public education in America. Second, this group of governors will then select 50 school districts, plus I’d say 20 major cities, so we got 70 school districts. Seventy instead of 16,000.


They will within one year develop a national set of standards for math, science, reading and social studies. Twelve months after that they will develop a national testing regime, so that there’ll be one day in America where every third, sixth, ninth and twelfth grader will take a national test against a national curriculum."


Add this administrations mindset:


Obama's Sec. of  Ed Arne Duncan's speech at  2009 Governors Education Symposium  June 14, 2009 Cary, North Carolina

 "But if all we do is save jobs, we will miss this opportunity – which is why we are also using this recovery money to drive reform"

"There has never been this much money on the table and there may never be again"


"Once new standards are set and adopted you need to create new tests that measure whether students are meeting those standards. Tonight -- I am announcing that the Obama administration will help pay for the costs of developing those tests."*

Plans for younger children

Link to what Alabama is trying to do with common core standards--an example for some states

 (Parents--please be sure to visit this site for resource:  Truth In American


Link to Islam and Charter Schools(over 30 already in Texas)

Link To Obamacare that destroys Medicare for the elderly so votes can be bought with your money?

Link to COIN Strategy and ROE--why fight with a strategy set up by the enemy--listen to stories of what happens to America's best.

(Listen in at 1:30 pm central time M-F and share the

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was and never will be.  Jefferson

Nation Without Borders In Support of Israel--It Is Time 

Hear interview with our friend Luden in Israel as he shares his perspective on the latest speech by Obama that has sent chills to many hearts.  Indeed the Bible proves itself so true.  Hope you will get your house in order for the harvest is ripe.

Obama is posturing when he sends out a message to go for the borders that he knew very well the Israeli's could not give him.  He was shocked at the way Netanyahu dared to show his displeasure at the Pres request.  But then how could Obama expect anything else when he voices a plan that would open the total annihiliation of Israel.

Is it possible that his goal was to shock Israel into moving back to the negotiation table and after his announcement-- may instead give into his desire for the division of Jerusalem?  That is the prize he probably  believes they will now be a little bit more willing to negotiate--a more practical small piece rather than the larger indefensible one- he had asked for.  Some in Israel may see that as a good compromise and inside Obama and his staff hopes to see themselves as winners in the game of mideast manipulation.

Of course, most Christians who have read the Bible and are seeing it's predictions slowly but surely coming to pass knows who will be the Victor.   Obama and his plans are just pawns in the game between the Master and the great liar.  Hope you know which side your on.




Hear Part I  of the story about Israel and the Palestinians and the fight for one of the smallest nation in the world.  How did it start and what keeps adding fuel to the fire over this land (the apple of God's eye.)   Get informed so that you can know the small and big picture of this ongoing conflict over a land that the Jesus says will be a sign of his coming.  Listen and share this incredible history lesson with your children, friends and family.


Obama on Libya-Was It Constitutional or Not?

Obama's Speech on Libya--Did it score points?  More importantly was it constitutional or not?  In today's America where troubles economically, socially are at an all time out of control high and a Congress and Pres that has not even yet passed a budget,  was Obama's intervetion in Libya justified?  Hear these two history teachers weigh in on the issue with a view of the past.  What is truly going on here is for the American voters to find out past the wonderful self-congratulatory speech so that they are not led down the house of cards that this administration seem to have built for us and wants us to buy-hook, line and sinker.


Repeal of DADT--When Evil Is Now Being Called Good

Jesus said in Matthew 22:21

Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.


Who does America belong to?  Look at our coins.  The statement above was made by Jesus and it is a reminder of what the Founders determined their nation to be--a nation under God.  The founding fathers left us with a guideline for this nation for their posterity to receive the blessings of God.  But unfortunately we have strayed far away from their intent that today we hear Obama applauding a lifesyle that the Founders considered an abomination for their standard was the word of God.  When the word of man becomes the standard then the path becomes very crooked indeed.

Today the President (along with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi among others) is very proud to have signed the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell as if today marks their freedom when in truth all it did was give glory to this lifestyle.  Did he just forget that recently Bradley Manning of this same lifestyle, a traitor,  just gave our nation's defense secrets?   Of course not. What a sad day today is in America when what God calls evil and an abomination --is being held up with pride by some of this nation's highest leaders.  But at the same time we have to remind ourselves that God is sovereign and he will not be mocked by the ways of man.

Thank God there is a new Congress coming up--there is hope that again some maybe many in the halls of Congress will be using the right standards again.  DADT may have been repealed but I daresay in the hearts of many Americans this will be a rally cry for 2012 especially in light of how the lame duck Congress and those senators did not even want to have proper hearing on this most important issue. Standing up for our military will be the least we can do for those who died for us.

Also, the unkindest thing we can do to those under the bondage of the homosexual lifestyle is to not point out that the price of that sin is hell for eternity.   That would be the unkindest thing of all.  Their so-called friends in that lifestyle will  never tell them that but just like everyone else that death comes too--we will not wake up on the other side to our friends but before Jehovah.  Read the Bible and find out what happens for it means forever and I pray our leaders will realize God will not be mocked--He will have the last Word.  The Founding Fathers  whose wisdom is unequalled by anyone in our nation's leadership today--knew that-- and that is why our national motto is "one nation under God."

In Nahum Chapters 1 and 2--God had his way with Nineveh--though they listened and repented when Jonah spoke--eventually they went back to evil and is no more.  God is sovereign and he will have his way.  We need to learn from the past so that we can know how to behave today as a nation, as a people.

The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.

God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.

The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.

The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.

Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.

The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.


Economic Woes, BP Oil Spill, Mideast Crisis--Where Do We Go From Here?

What a maddening world this is.  Beautiful and ugly lives side by side.  Logical and illogical all together on one plane.  Perspective always determines where you go.  A movie called Motherhood was the starter to my pensive thoughts.  It was not what I thought it would be but yet I realized for some it was the way they saw their world.  The setting was the hustle and bustle of New York which to many would be great but watching it was little claustrophobic for me.  Of course, it just showed life in the busy parts of that state as I am sure there are other parts not so busy not so claustrophobic.

It is for those who probably likes the fast life and the glittering of the beautiful glass towers made by man but I prefer the majesty of God made trees, rolling hills interspersed with pillars of clouds as far as the eye can see absent with buildings for sometimes miles around.

I felt sorry for the woman at such a loss of who she was but alas that is everywhere in this land.  Perspectives make a difference.  Who is in our lives makes a difference.   I have heard you are who you hang around and I believe there is validity to that.  I believe we are all like floundering ships in the storms of life and unless we are anchored properly--there is no telling where will end up at.

The headlines of the election woes, health care reform, skyrocketing unemployment rate, BP oil spill, federal over reach,government corruption, escalations in the middle east--really everywhere (Korea, Pakistan etc, etc.), lack of presidential leadership amongst many things--gives me that same feeling of claustrophobia as in that movie.  We as a culture seems to be on overload or overdrive spiraling to an abyss.

But then I was reminded by a kind gentleman named Jimmy DeYoung of Prophecy Today and I thought could it be?  He says there is nothing else to wait for except the coming of the Lord.  How breathtaking that is.  Could it be so?  Wow, get ready folks it is time for a reality check.  When He comes, if He comes tomorrow--are you going with him? 

I don't live in the hustle and bustle world of New York.  I live in a gentler pace and I like it that way.  God has gifted me special people to love and cherish and helps remind me of who I am.  I am a follower of the Good Shepherd and I hear his voice and it comforts me.  His mercy and grace abounds in my life and I owe everything to him.  Life is not perfect--it has its ups and downs but knowing Him has made my life abundant and it has made all the difference.  Won't you try him and get ready so that when He comes--you will not be left behind...because then it will matter who knows you.  Is your name written in heaven?

...rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. Luke 10:20

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

Grab a Bible get to know Him from whom all blessings flows--George Washington knew Him and it made all the difference for these United States of America.  Israel is a sign for us--study the Bible and as Jimmy De Young likes to say--look up...