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Remembering 9/11 in'09
Fresh Hope, the ministry of Susan Sieweke, D.Min.

For in him we live (zao {dzah'-o}, and move, and have our being; Acts 17:28

Our Children Our Future
What If A Nation Prayed

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Let us do our part to keep this the Land of the Free and Honor the Brave


Get to speed--basic info you must know as there is not enough news still for K-12th hidden agenda and about the ROE--so please share!

Homosexual Indoctrination for K-12th hidden in Anti-Bullying Law: The Bill   The Agenda  Federalizing

Revised Rules of Engagement--Empowering The Enemy:  Joshua's Death  The Father's Letter & Interviews

Czars and Their Unconstitutional Powers

Health Care Bill Or The Derailing Of America

Cap and Trade--Skyrocketing Utilities For Almost Bankrupt America/ For Whose Benefit? EPA Report

Know How They Voted

Truths To Share As Freedom Isn't Free

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Weather By The Hour

Don't forget as you check on the weather to check in with the One who calms the storms!


Fields White To Harvest



Lord, I thought I knew you,

   but know the winds have changed.

Tossed away, will you find me?

   Can still , my heart be sustained?

Just me and you when things were new,

then the season's storms blew by.

   Did I forget to worship you?


Will you come, Lord Jesus to gather us- your sheep.

   For the days grow long and still,

If we watch and wait, will you hear us yet-

   Can we stand strong to do you will?


 The wheat has been blowing in that field,

   While the laborers are so few.

What then, now are we waiting for?

   Can hardened hearts become like new?


 Safely can we stay behind you,

   as we march with your trumpet sound?

Or- have we stayed and hid so long now,

   That our roots dry underground?


 I pray Lord that you will find me.

   I pray not to be ashamed.

I seek you when it's early Lord.

   I pray not to fall away.


So come Lord Jesus come quickly-

   The terrible day is at hand.

I pray we'll all be steadfast.

   So you may strengthen our spirits ,

as we stand.


Loree Brownfield


Out of Control Al Superintendent Reigned In For Over-Reach Of $$ From Reading and Math Initiatives-Next Reign In Over Reach To Parents Rights Over Children--Support Scott Beason Bill To Repeal Common Core

Major monumental over-reach when State Board of Ed takes away parents input in their chidren's education by misrepresenting facts.  Al State Superintendent Tommy Bice needs to clarify what he calls as Alabama Common Core Standards that are supposedly owned by Alabama  when you understand the definition of Common Core (also it is clear from the NCLB waiver application that even though we did not win $$ through Race To The Top--we still signed on to Common Core Standards as part of waiver application.) (read)

Copyright:  This website and all content on this website, including in particular the Common Core State Standards, are the property of NGA Center and CCSSO, and NGA Center and CCSSO retain all right, title, and interest in and to the same. Study more...

Simplified--Common Core State Standards are copyrighted and Alabama like the other states who signed on cannot change them--ony allowed to add 15 percent which will not be tested.

Another over reach and it is good to finally see the legislature reign in Superintendent Tommy Bice when he reached in to disperse funds that were already ear-marked.  That tells you Tommy Bice can be wrong to the point of going past what he is constitutionally allowed to do.  Common Core State Standards is another constitutional error on his part and we hope the Alabama Legislature will also correct that as parents are starting to learn that their parental rights over their children's education are being taken away.  They are learning the truth above that Common Core is copyrighted and as such Alabama will no longer have control over Alabama's standards and parents in Alabama are outraged (to put it mildly) when they find out.  There is a tidal wave coming as even in New York 1,539 principals are outraged at the results to their teachers and children of Common Core and all its testing and assessments.  Read more and get informed and share with your legislators so that they too will make the right stand.  Alabama parents constitutional rights must be protected.  End the over-reach as other states are also waking up and truth is shining (even though mainstream is behind--parents are the newsmakers).  Contact your legislators and read Elois Zeanah's (Pres of AFRW) warning.




Here is link to amendment to Budget Bill --HB166
(it may say page expired but just hit ok and it will appear)

 On page 18, after line 3 insert the following

 "It is the intent of the Legislature that funds
 appropriated for the Alabama Reading Initiative be expended
 only for the Alabama Reading Initiative program. The State
 Superintendent of Education shall report semi-annually to the
 Chairs of the Senate Committee on Finance and Taxation -
 Education, the House Ways and Means Education Committee, the
 Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on Finances and Budgets
 and the Legislative Fiscal Officer on the expenditures for the
 Alabama Reading Initiative program. Such report shall include,
 but not be limited to, the amounts expended for professional
 development, on-site support and for school coaches and other
 support staff."

 On page 18, after line 29 insert the following

 "It is the intent of the Legislature that funds
 appropriated for the Math/Science/Technology Initiative be
 expended only for the Math/Science/Technology Initiative
 program. The State Superintendent of Education shall report
 semi-annually to the Chairs of the Senate Committee on Finance
 and Taxation - Education, the House Ways and Means Education
 Committee, the Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on
 Finances and Budgets and the Legislative Fiscal Officer on the
 expenditures for the Math/Science/Technology Initiative
 program. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, the
 amounts expended for the equipment, materials and supplies
 needed to teach math and science, as well as the amounts
 expended for professional development and on-site support.


The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan--Now It's Our Turn If Freedom Is To Reign

Luca Bocci

She left us without warning, in a grey and cold morning as it happens so frequently in London, without much of a fuss, leaving the world astounded like in the splendid decade that defined the future of a country that, back then, everybody considered a lost cause.
For all of those like myself who grew under the spell of the giants of conservative politics in the 1980s it was a sudden blow, a punch to the stomach that leaves you breathless, dumbfounded.
You try to remember only the good times, the many lessons she tried to teach us in her long political career and her flawless private live.
You try to remain composed, show the “stiff upper lip” that Britons are so rightly proud of.
Then, as the hopeless Latin idiot you are, you start crying like a pig.
Mind you, this is not a rhetorical figure, even as I write this article I feel tears running on my cheeks. Doesn’t happen that often. Many years ago, when my grandmother passed away, after a long and painful struggle with cancer, I couldn’t shed a tear. Not this time, this time I cried like a baby.
You wonder why. I have never had the honor to meet Margaret Thatcher but I felt closer to her than I feel with many so-called friends, colleagues or even relatives.
She taught me what loving your country really means.
She taught me that business-as-usual politics are nothing but a farce, that the only way to leave a mark is getting down and solve real problems, even when it’s not convenient.
She taught me that on principles you never compromise, ever, even or especially if you know that you’ll have to pay a steep personal or political price for it.
She taught me what leadership was all about, how a real leader treats special interests, those who think that their gain trumps always the national interest.
She was not a distant figure, an icon to venerate from afar. Margaret Thatcher was a role model in every way, from personal to political life. Majestic, sculpted in stone, unreachable. The idea of walking in her footsteps ludicrous, as it should happen when you choose the right person. This, in my very humble opinion, is the real hallmark of her greatness.
You judge a tree by its fruits. Margaret’s are still very visible, even if the special interests she fought so hard have tried their very best to destroy everything she’s built.
Margaret Thatcher changed British politics forever. Her reluctant and possibly insincere heir, David Cameron, couldn’t help himself, he had to slash taxes on enterprises and increase the no-tax area. Things that in continental Europe would still be anathema. This country is still different from the rest of Europe, better, with much solid foundations, thanks to her.
In the darkest moment of European history in the past century, when everywhere the forces of statism and totalitarianism are getting ready for their final assault on personal freedoms, when people feel no shame in taking money away from private citizens’ bank accounts, sacrificing everything to their false god, the government, Margaret left us.
This is not her world anymore, there seems to be place only for the looters Ayn Rand described so vividly 50 years ago.
Now the only acceptable way to become rich is stealing public money, money extorted by force from citizens that are nothing but slaves to the government, deprived of every right, except the one to obey and pay.
Margaret Thatcher saved a country that seemed all but doomed only to see it fall back into the hands of the same criminals that almost destroyed it.
She left active politics long ago, but her presence was very much felt in Westminster.
Her legacy, though, is elsewhere, in the hearts and minds of all the children of the conservative revolution that she and Ronald Wilson Reagan spearheaded.
Her words of wisdom and common sense are a daily inspiration to all of those that refuse to give up and stand up in front of the rising statist tide, facing the hubris of Socialists, red and black alike, that see the day of final victory approaching fast.
If there is a single hope to avert once again the fall of Western civilization and the triumph of statist mysticism, well, we owe it to her, her example and her memory.
Now we are truly alone and we must walk our path without her silent presence to guide us.
Her departure couldn’t have happened in a worse moment, but hope cannot fade with her.
Never forget, never surrender. We have lived on the shoulder of these two giants long enough.
Now is the time to turn their words into actions and fight in their name.
Our tears will fade in the rain, yes, but they will not fall in vain.
Remember April 8th, mark it on your calendar, for this is the day the real battle has to begin, now we must make their dream, the conservative revolution, reality.
We owe it to Margaret. She deserves nothing less than that.

Hear perspective on this wonderful lady--kind lady (yes, kind because she fought so that tyranny would not trample on free people) in today's show as we look at what makes for great nations...

Click here and listen



Bill To Repeal Common Core Introduced by Scott Beason--SB403 or SB404--Read Letter By Elois Zeanah to Legislators

A Frank Discussion And Challenge to Alabama Republican Legislators

Dear Republican Legislators:

May I speak frankly?   Your Republican constituency is asking why conservative legislators are not shouting from their soap boxes to repeal Common Core – just as actor Matt Damon’s mother, an early childhood education expert, is asking, “Why isn’t everyone marching in the streets protesting this?”  No issue is more important for our families and our state than protecting our children from indoctrination and propaganda, loosening of moral values, an invasion of their privacy, dumbed-down curricula, and the loss of parental control over education.  We know Republican Legislators care about our children’s education and wouldn’t knowingly give away parental control and state sovereignty over the values our children learn in school.  But that’s what Common Core does. 

Alabama activists can answer the question posed by Matt Damon’s mother:  Common Core was written in secret and parents were kept in the dark about Common Core until it was implemented; parents remain unaware until their children start having problems in school, and then they get angry.  We cannot, however, answer the first question.  It appears that some legislators want to dodge the issue by hiding behind the state superintendent and two school board members.  That’s not an option any longer, however.  Legislators who choose to kill the bills or let time expire as an excuse to not act, are actually making a choice to voluntarily offer up our children to federal bureaucrats and private interests and cede parental and state control over education policy in Alabama.

"The Alabama Constitution vests the duty to provide for public education 'squarely upon the shoulders of the Legislature' as the Supreme Court of Alabama observed. (Ex-parte James, 836 So. 3d. 813 at 85 (Ala. 2002). 

We understand the desire to trust those in education positions, but we also believe in President Ronald Reagan’s caution to “trust but verify”.   In this case, the state superintendent and two board members are misleading you when they say the adoption of Common Core does not cede control over education.  We have given you irrefutable proof, including documents from their own Alabama Department of Education, that their claims are false; but apparently you’re not reading them or you want to remain in denial.  Ask yourself this simple question:

How can Alabama retain full control over education decisions when the Department of Education had to change Alabama standards, curriculum, assessment, testing, etc. to comply 100% with Common Core dictates – and Alabama cannot change or delete anything but must implement every word of Common Core exactly as written?  Achieve, Inc., the writers of Common Core, even provided a measuring “tool” to Alabama to compare its standards to Common Core with the mandate to change anything that did not measure up precisely.  This is retaining control?

I was troubled yesterday to hear that an Education Policy committee member sent a candid message to advocates for children who support repeal that he trusted Dr. Bice and would vote accordingly, regardless of what evidence we presented or even if it meant his defeat next year.  This statement was made despite the facts that Dr. Bice supported the board’s adoption of Common Core without alerting the Legislature that it would cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, which legislators must provide, at a time when the state is broke, and that Dr. Bice has misappropriated $50 million of ARI and AMSTI funds without the knowledge or approval of the Legislature.  As a lay person, this strikes me as an abdication of responsibility and a willingness to let the state superintendent and board run roughshod over the Legislature.  If one legislator feels this way, how many others feel similarly?  It was this candid admission that prodded me to write this frank letter.

The State Superintendent, by the way, is not a neutral party.  Legislators need to understand that Dr. Bice is, in essence, a LOBBYIST for CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers), a trade association.  He is a member of the Washington-based CCSSO, which received millions of dollars from the Gates Foundation to write/promote Common Core, and which with NGA has copyrighted Common Core.  Fordham Institute President Chester Finn described CCSSO as a major and long-term member of the liberal movement on federal education policy which has an “ancient and cozy relationship with the U.S. Education Department and can be counted on to do its bidding.”  (Chester Finn, This Isn’t Only a Test, supra note 296) 

We urge our Legislators to be independent thinkers and to do their oversight duty under the Alabama Constitution.  Frankly, I and others don't understand why a supermajority Republican legislature would want to duck this issue.  It's an opportunity to stand up for what Republicans believe!

Republicans say they seek to decentralize power as much as possible.  Common Core is more central planning and attacks federalism.  It moves education away from the founding principle that parents and states, not federal government, should control local education.

Republicans say they are the law-and-order party.  The refusal to repeal Common Core sanctions President Obama’s end-run around our constitutional system and his violation of federal laws, which forbid federal control of what children learn in school, and usurps state education sovereignty. 

Republicans say they want a quality curriculum.  Education experts and conservative think-tanks are concerned that Common Core dumbs down curriculum; that the definition of “college ready” means preparing students for two, not four year, colleges; and that the one-size-fits-all program harms individuality and innovation, and produces robotic behavior.  As one of the creators of Common Core admitted, Common Core treats children like machines in a factory to be programmed.

Republicans say the best way to improve education is through choice/competition and innovation.  Common Core annihilates choice and competition and permits little innovation.  The much-touted AAA passed recently by the Legislature sounds good but it cannot be implemented unless Common Core is repealed.  Tax credits will make no difference in the quality of education, since Common Core is a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all education reform, and states which adopt Common Core have no choice but to implement 100% of Common Core exactly as it is written.  This will impact all schools and reduce the academic quality of education in the best of schools.

Republicans say K-12 education should be free of indoctrination and propaganda.  Common Core converts Alabama’s traditional education system to a new politicized system based on liberal/progressives’ ideology.  Many education experts have spoken to this fact and it has been proven by examples of textbook and classroom assignments.  As Charles Krauthammer wrote in his November 6, 2012 article, Election could change history’s trajectory:   “Obama’s intention has always been to …. transform America.  He would do it in three areas:  health care, education, and energy.”  Common Core is the centerpiece of the Obama Administration’s education reform.  If there were any doubt as to Obama’s goal for Common Core, his U.S. Department of Education Secretary made it clear in his statement that Common Core is a “revolution” and the purpose of Obama’s education reform is to help in the “battle for social justice”.

Republicans say they are against redistribution of wealth.  Obama’s ultimate goal is a massive redistribution of tax resources by taking money from better-off suburban schools and giving it to less-well-off urban schools.  “President Obama’s Department of Education has established an Equity and Excellence Commission, charged with finding ‘ways to restructure school finance systems to achieve equity in the distribution of educational resources and further student achievement and attainment.”  (Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and author of “Spreading the Wealth:  How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities.”)

The Alabama Legislature is citizens’ last chance to defend Alabama values and our education rights under the Tenth Amendment.  If the Legislature fails to repeal Common Core, it condones the action by the majority state board of education (Gov. Bentley, Stephanie Bell and Betty Peters being the holdouts for local control and parental rights) to cede control of Alabama’s education policy to bureaucrats and special interests outside of Alabama.

Please don’t abdicate your responsibility to the state superintendent and board of education and cede control over education to the federal government and private interests outside Alabama.  Alabama’s children need your intervention and protection.  Don’t offer them up to the federal government and private interests who call our children “human capital”!

We beseech you to follow in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan, who refused to further expand government control over its citizens.

Next week opens a new chapter.  New bills have been introduced in both the Senate and House.  Time remaining in this legislative session is short, however.  There’s still time to put our children first and repeal Common Core if there’s a commitment to protect our children and parental control over education.  If the will is absent and you let time expire, your non-action is a decision to VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP OUR EDUCATION RIGHTS and cede control over our children’s education to entities outside Alabama.  We know you don’t intend to do that.  But just as ignorance of the law is no excuse, the failure to understand the consequences of your actions is no excuse to forsake our children.  We know you’re busy and have a lot of pressure on you, but we can get you within minutes any information/documentation you want to prove that Common Core DOES CEDE CONTROL of education rights for Alabama parents and the state legislature.  The past few weeks have given you time to question claims made by the state superintendent and two board members, and we feel confident that upon examination of the facts, you will do what’s right by our children and our state.

Please don’t forsake our children but do your duty to protect them by voting to rescind and defund CCSSI!

Elois Zeanah


Common Core Repeal in Alabama--SB403 Beason Repeal CC and SB404 Beason Privacy Protection

Repeal Common Core--1,536 New York State Principals Rising up to Tell Their Legislature the Dangers--Should Be Front Page News(Read Why Not)

Alabama now have two new bills introduced by Senator Scott Beason SB403 is to Repeal Common Core and SB404 addresses the Privacy Protection.  Please make copy of this page and on the back if you can make copy of this link which is a one page summary of What Churches Can and Cannot Do.  Get your church family and friends involved.  1,536 New York State Principals have banded together pointing to the destructiveness to children's education and health that are the effects they experience under Common Core.  Points To Study:

  1. Alabama State Board of Education Superintendent Tommy Bice, who is leading the charge to keep Alabama in Common Core, is misrepresenting "Alabama" Common Core Standards as not the copyrighted Common Core.  However the application for No Child Left Behind Waiver show the truth.  It is Common Core Standards (copyrighted) plus the portion he can add up to 15 %.  Parental rights over children's education will be lost as it will be controlled by outsiders.  Hear on our podcasts what parents who have been under it for years are saying--State of Georgia's parents and teachers says it is a dumbing down.  Get to know about the two ed philosophies!
  2. This should be front page news--1,536 New York State Principals say they are very concerned that at the state level change is being imposed in a rapid manner and without high-quality evidentiary support (of course as Common Core not pilot tested).  They are banning together to tell their legislature the dangers they see:
    a) With a focus on the end of year testing, there inevitably will be a narrowing of the curriculum as teachers focus more on test preparation and skill and drill teaching.
    b) Schools will have an incentive to place struggling students in lower-level classes without standardized assessments.... If schools use Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) scores, as suggested by Commissioner King, schools might be more reluctant to challenge students upward for fear that poor test performance might result in teachers being unfairly penalized.
    c) Teachers will subtly be surely be incentivized to avoid students with health issues, students with disabilities, English Language Learners or students suffering from emothional issues.
    d) The dynamic between students and teacher will change. Instead of "teacher and student versus the exam," it will be "teacher versus students' performance" on the exam.
    e) Collaboration among teachers will be replaced by competition.

Many are concerned about "Data Mining" where information from your student will be part of a database--use and availabilty to who?

Please pray,share and act --call your legislators (334 242-7800 Senate and 334 2427600 for House) and Gov Bentley (334) 242-7100.  Read more articles and listen to interviews on help defend the children.  Developers of "allah is god curriculum passed in Tx under the radar are the same developers behind Common Core.  Find out more!

Tell them to Support Scott Beason's SB403 and SB404 Repeal of Common Core


Clarification of What Bice Says are Alabama Standards-Common Core(copyrighted) Plus The Allowed Addition=Alabama Common Core Standards

Tommy Bice who is leading the charge to keep Alabama in Common Core is misrepresenting Alabama Common Core Standards as not the copyrighted Common Core--the application for No Child Left Behind Waiver show the truth.  It is Common Core Standards (copyrighted) plus the portion he is allowed to add. Alabama not allowed to change it but can only add up to 15 %--let's get the truth out!!!


Study the link for yourself--here are excerpts:


This website and all content on this website, including in particular the Common Core State Standards, are the property of NGA Center and CCSSO, and NGA Center and CCSSO retain all right, title, and interest in and to the same.


 The NGA Center for Best Practices
is the only policy research and development firm that directly serves
the nation’s governors by developing innovative solutions to
today’s most pressing public policy challenges.

above link apparently no good anymore--here's another


E S E A F L E X I B I L I T Y–R E Q U E S T F O R W I N D O W 3
U . S . D E P A R T M E N T O F ED U C A T I O N iii
June 7, 2012
The U.S. Department of Education (Department) is offering each State educational agency (SEA) the opportunity to request flexibility on behalf of itself, its local educational agencies (LEAs) , and its schools, in order to better focus on improving student learning and increasing the quality ofinstruction. This voluntary opportunity will provide educators and State and local leaders with flexibility regarding specific requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)in exchange for rigorous and comprehensive State-developed plans designed to improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps, increase equity, and improve the quality of instruction. This flexibility is intended to build on and support the significant State and local reform efforts already underway in critical areas such as transitioning to college-and career-ready standard and assessments; developing systems of differentiated recognition, accountability, and support; and evaluating and supporting teacher and principal effectiveness...
Prior to submitting this request, Alabama teachers, leaders, college and university faculty, and lay citizens reviewed the Alabama standards and the Common Core State Standards and compiled the best of both into the Alabama College-and Career-Ready Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts, reflective of the aspirations Alabamians hold for allpublic schools students to be prepared for college, careers, and the workforce. On November 18, 2010, the Alabama State Board of Education formally adopted these college-and career-ready content standards that meet the definition of โ€•college-and career-ready standardsโ€– in the document titled ESEA Flexibility, as Alabama has adopted content standards that are common to a significant number of states
(see Attachment 14, Evidence of Adoption of Standards)as noted in Alabama‘s approved AMO Freeze Request(see Attachment 15 for the letter from Deborah S. Delisle)and in doing so affirms this as a voluntary decision by our Alabama State Board of Education and further affirms Section 9527 (a) of ESEA
--on page 22

On November 18, 2010, Alabama joined 40 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands in adopting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA). The adoption by the Alabama State Board of Education (SBOE) incorporated selected Alabama standards with those in the Common Core to create a set of internationally benchmarked college-and career-readiness standards that will prepare students for a future in the ever-expanding global environment. These standards are known as the Alabama College-and Career-Ready Standards (CCRS).


Support Scott Beason And Repeal Common Core Now-Our Children Are More Than A Number--New York Uprising of Parents, Teachers, Principals Coming Across To California--Learn WHY NOW


Hear interview with New York parents as to what is happenning to their children under Common Core.  They have been in it further than us and even teachers and principals are saying it stinks to the point that there are 1539 principal signatories trying to get them out. 

More than a Number: How State Testing is Affecting the Educational and Emotional Health of our Students

  • Register for this free April 10th forum at Hofstra University  through the following link:  
  • Click the image below for a copy of the flyer

Recent Announcements

  • Updated APPR Letter with Signatories An updated letter with signatories has been posted to the site. It is available below or in the Documents section. We now have 1539 New York State principal signatories (that ...
    Posted Mar 14, 2013, 5:53 PM by Sean Feeney

  Folks wake up and hear what one child is saying is going on.  (Also hear this interview with David Barton's son Tim Barton on Common core)

List of Alabama Legislators with E-mails and Phone Numbers are below --please tell them to say NO To Common Core Standards.  Tell Legislators in Senate we need them to support Scott Beason's repeal of Common Core.  One of the bills he introduced (SB403 or SB404) must be passed and House must also be prodded.  All across the country is a build up of angry parents, teachers, principals.  Ours are slowly waking up but we can't afford to put our children through what New York and others are already suffering through.  Fight for them with the bill to repeal Common Core now!  Parent's Constitutional Rights over their children must not be compromised for promises of college and career ready standards--nothing is worth that!

Here's link to pros and cons and myths and facts on common core


Link to printable flyer for your church,friends and family--not much time--get everyone involved!

(click on this link with your zip code and find your legislators)

  • Tips on contacting Senate.  They are in their districts on Mon and Fridays but in Montgomery Tues-Thurs.  You can call (334) 242-7800 to be transferred or call their individual numbers listed below as each Senator has a secretary that can take a message to the committee member--Tues or Thurs.  If you call Wednesday--they are in committee meetings you may also call the committee clerk and give her a message.  Clerk--Micheele O'Connor (334) 242-7896.

Senate Education Policy Committee:

Brewbaker, Chairperson--334-242-7895;Ross, Vice Chairperson 334-242-7880 ;

Allen--334-242-7889, Blackwell-- 334-242-7851, Figures--334-242-7871,Holtzclaw--334-242-7854  , McGill--334-242-7858
, Pittman--334-242-7897, Sanders--334-242-7860


  • Please send emails
  • Please pass on information as we don't have much time.
  • Tips on contacting House.  They are in their districts on Mon and Fridays and in Montgomery Tues-Thurs.  You can call and leave a message at (334) 242-7600 and tell who answers you would like to give a message to the committee member--this is a great way as they will get that message to the member if you are calling them on Tues or Thurs.  If you call Wednesday--they are in committee meetings so call the committee clerk and give her a message. 
    Committee Clerk: Karen Reeves
    (334) 242-7251

House Education Policy Committee:  Chair; Mary Sue McClurkin, Vice Chair; Phil Williams, Ranking Minority Member; Marcel Black

Elaine Beech, Mac Buttram, Ed Henry, Thomas Jackson, Joseph Mitchell, Kerry Rich, David Sessions, Lesley Vance



Higher Education

Phil Williams, Chair; Marcel Black, Ed Henry, Joseph Mitchell, Allen Treadaway, Lesley Vance, David Sessions.

K - 12

Lesley Vance, Chair; Elaine Beech, Mac Buttram, Ed Henry, Thomas Jackson, David Sessions, Phil Williams.


So please help it is not hard and parents and teachers need to fight this to have input over education standards vs being under Washington control  Here is a list of resources the enemy do not want you to know and the majority of the mainstream media has kept hidden!! 

Remember Obama is interest in passing the allah is god curriculum that was just found out in Texas.  The plans of this administration was already voiced by Kevin Jenning --(more in this link).

"Right now, they're really focused on the academic standards. This one is much newer. We have to build understanding of the concept first." He went on: "We're not first up to bat, and I'm not troubled by that. The Common Core movement is right to start on the things where there's already widespread agreement. We're way down the road."

Seriously? A high-ranking administration official is telling us that the common standards being financed by $350 million in Race to the Top funds "start" with academics but will eventually encompass "school climate" standards too? Jennings raises further red flags when he concedes that we have not determined "the definition of school climate," though he says it "does not include air conditioning" but does include kids feeling "emotionally safe." Maybe it's my cynical streak, but that sounds like a summons to social agendas, culture clashes, and political fisticuffs. In other words, the stuff that sinks standards.

Mr. Jennings' remarks raise concerns about the old bait-and-switch. If he is speaking for Secretary Duncan and the President, they seem to have been less than truthful so far when discussing their vision for common standards. If not, a President seeking bipartisan comity might want to encourage Mr. Jennings not to suggest that the Department is covertly planning to drive a massive 48-state effort into a familiar ditch...or to turn it into a Trojan Horse."---

See link of developers of CSCOPE and Common Core

and with Arne Duncan as head of Education who pushed for Chicago to have their first gay high school---how can parents in Alabama afford to be ignorant..


 To see phone numbers better please click on share  or printer friendly links below--as it will make all of the numbers show up better.


Phone Numbers and Emails of Legislators:



Phone Numbers for Alabama Senate

KAY IVEY     Lieutenant Governor
DEL MARSH     President Pro Tempore
D. PATRICK HARRIS     Secretary

Senator     Party     District     Room #     Office Phone
ALLEN, Gerald     (R)     21     729     334-242-7889
BEASLEY, Billy     (D)     28     737     334-242-7868
BEASON, Scott     (R)     17     726     334-242-7794
BEDFORD, Roger     (D)     6     738     334-242-7862
BLACKWELL, Slade     (R)     15     733     334-242-7851
BREWBAKER, Dick     (R)     25     734     334-242-7895
BUSSMAN, Paul     (R)     4     729     334-242-7855
COLEMAN, Linda     (D)     20     735     334-242-7864
DIAL, Gerald     (R)     13     732     334-242-7874
DUNN, Priscilla     (D)     19     737     334-242-7793
FIELDING, Jerry     (R)     11     735     334-242-7898
FIGURES, Vivian Davis     (D)     33     736     334-242-7871
GLOVER, Rusty     (R)     34     721     334-242-7886
HOLLEY, Jimmy     (R)     31     732     334-242-7845
HOLTZCLAW, Bill     (R)     2     731     334-242-7854
IRONS, Tammy     (D)     1     737     334-242-7888
KEAHEY, Marc     (D)     22     738     334-242-7843
MARSH, Del     (R)     12     722      334-242-7877
McGILL, Shadrack     (R)     8     731     334-242-7858
ORR, Arthur     (R)     3     730     334-242-7891
PITTMAN, Trip     (R)     32     730     334-242-7897
REED, Greg     (R)     5     734     334-242-7894
ROSS, Quinton T., Jr.     (D)     26     735     334-242-7880
SANDERS, Hank     (D)     23     736     334-242-7860
SANFORD, Paul     (R)     7     731     334-242-7867
SCOFIELD, Clay     (R)     9     731     334-242-7876
SINGLETON, Bobby     (D)     24     735     334-242-7935
SMITH, Harri Anne     (I)     29     740     334-242-7879
SMITHERMAN, Rodger     (D)     18     737     334-242-7870
TAYLOR, Bryan     (R)     30     733     334-242-7883
WAGGONER, J. T. "Jabo"     (R)     16     726     334-242-7892
WARD, Cam     (R)     14     719     334-242-7873
WHATLEY, Tom     (R)     27     733     334-242-7865
WILLIAMS, Phil     (R)     10     733     334-242-7857



Phone Numbers for Alabama House of Representatives

Please note prefix for all their phone numbers is area code 334



Alan Baker Baldwin & Escambia 242-7720
Mike Ball Madison 242-7683
Jim Barton Mobile 242-7662
Richard Baughn Tuscaloosa, Walker, & Winston 242-7593
Paul Beckman Autauga & Elmore 242-7662
Alan Boothe Dale & Pike 242-7710
DuWayne Bridges Chambers & Lee 242-7708
K.L. Brown Calhoun 242-1778
Mack Butler Etowah & St. Clair 242-7446
Mac Buttram Cullman 242-7775
Jim Carns Jefferson & Shelby 242-7600
Donnie Chesteen Geneva & Houston 242-7742
Steve Clouse Dale & Houston 242-7717
Terri Collins Morgan 242-7693
Randy Davis Baldwin & Mobile 242-7724
Paul DeMarco Jefferson 242-7667
Dickie Drake St. Clair & Jefferson 242-7727
Allen Farley Jefferson 242-7767
Joe Faust Baldwin 242-7699
Chad Fincher Mobile 242-7778
Victor Gaston Mobile 242-7664
Lynn Greer Lauderdale 242-7576
Micky Hammon Limestone & Morgan 242-7709
Alan Harper Pickens & Tuscaloosa 242-7732
Ed Henry Cullman & Morgan 242-7736
Mike Hill Shelby 242-7715
Mike Hubbard Lee 242-7668
Jamie Ison Mobile 242-7711
Ken Johnson Lawrence & Winston 242-7754
Ron Johnson Coosa & Talladega 242-7777
Wayne Johnson Jackson & Madison 242-7492
Mike Jones, Jr. Covington & Escambia 242-7739
Paul Lee Houston 242-7675
Wes Long Marshall 242-7511
Jay Love Montgomery 242-7716
Barry Mask Coosa & Elmore 242-7782
Jim McClendon St. Clair & Shelby 242-7768
Mary Sue McClurkin Jefferson & Shelby 242-7682
Mac McCutcheon Limsetone & Madison 242-7705
Steve McMillan Baldwin 242-7723
John Merrill Tuscaloosa 242-7554
Barry Moore Coffe 242-7773
Becky Nordgren Dekalb & Etowah 353-9032
Jim Patterson Madison 242-7531
Bill Poole Tuscaloosa 242-7691
Kerry Rich  DeKalb & Marshall 242-7538
Bill Roberts Walker 242-7694
Howard Sanderford Madison 242-4368
David Sessions Mobile 242-0947
Harry Shiver Baldwin, Conecuh, Escambia, & Monroe 242-7745
David Standridge Blount & Jefferson 242-7475
Allen Treadaway Jefferson 242-7685
Mark Tuggle Lee & Tallapoosa 242-7219
Lesley Vance Lee & Russell 242-7687
Kurt Wallace Chilton & Shelby 242-7772
April Weaver Bibb & Shleby 242-7731
Dan Williams Limestone 242-7741
Jack Williams Jefferson 242-7779
Phil Williams Madison 242-7704
Randy Wood Calhoun & St. Clair 242-7700
Greg Wren Montgomery & Elmore



CSCOPE And Common Core--From The Same Developers--Learn

3.27.13 – This was sent to Sen. Dan Patrick from Texas Attorney Greg Abbott:


Statement from Attorney General Abbott:


“The Attorney General’s Office has been working with Sen. Dan Patrick to scrutinize the CSCOPE program for several months.  We are deeply disturbed by the CSCOPE content and have significant legal concerns about the program’s operations.  Inexplicably, CSCOPE’s officials still have not taken any real steps to address the very concerns that have been raised thus far.  It is time for the veil of secrecy to be eliminated and we will continue working collaboratively with the Legislature until CSCOPE is held accountable for any potential improprieties.”




3.24.13 – “Update / Correction — CSCOPE Curriculum Designer Employed by CCSSO Partner to Aid in Implementing Common Core” – by Danette Clark --


Excerpts from this article:


…in light of information evidencing Wiggins’ involvement in professional development training for Texas educators both before and after CSCOPE was implemented, coupled with the fact that Wiggins and McTighe’s Understanding by Design® framework for curriculum, assessment, and learning was directly incorporated into the design of CSCOPE, I think it would be safe to say that Wiggins had a hand in the design of CSCOPE, and further add that it appears he had a hand in its implementation as well.

With over 1,600 lesson plans at any given time (some conveniently disappearing) and rumors of plagiarism, who can say for certain whose lesson plans or content is being provided through CSCOPE?

If CSCOPE was created using Wiggins’ design framework and he provides professional development to Texas educators that use his design framework, why would it be out of the question for CSCOPE to contain lesson plans created by Wiggins?


3.25.13 – “Was George Washington Any Different From Palestinian Terrorists…?” – by Danette Clark --

Excerpts from this article:


“Was George Washington any different from Palestinian terrorists trying to protect their country?”


“Was Jefferson a hypocrite? Did he really think of a slave as a sub-human while writing the Declaration of Independence?”


These questions were written for use in the classroom by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, curriculum designers behind the creation of CSCOPE.


Wiggins and McTighe have an extensive relationship with the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES), the progressive reform movement behind both  CSCOPE and Common Core.

The CES schools model relies heavily on the use of ’essential questions’ as a teaching strategy to encourage students to ‘think critically’…

Teaching strategies like backward design and essential questions are used by progressive educators because they can be used with any curriculum content and still be effective in imposing the political and moral bias of the educator onto the student.

Essential questions are used to pick ‘content’ (any curriculum content) apart until students are left with nothing but questions and uncertainty about what they originally thought or believed to be true about the content at hand. The teachers then deposit their own biases and opinions into the discussion in an attempt to alter the students’ perceptions of what they once thought to be true.



Asia Society
Assessment Training Institute
Center for Educational Policy Research
Coalition of Essential Schools
Educators for Social Responsibility
Facing History and Ourselves
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Harvard Project Zero
Northeast Foundation for Children
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
Outward Bound USA
Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Project Adventure
Public Education and Business Coalition (PEBC)
Technical Education Research Center (TERC)

*3.3.13 – “Type #1 and Type #2 – Two Completely Different Philosophies of Education” by Donna Garner --